
Chapter 929

In seconds I had enough fire mana to send spears of bright flame roaring through the air, igniting every bit of fungus that they drew close to. Smoke and fire billowed out immediately, drifting over the wide entrance to the termite mound and sending every one of the blind insects into a frenzy. Then I rush forward, my jaws locking in place as they flood with pure mana. When I'm close enough I spin together a mind bridge and extend it to the large ant zipping through the conflict at warp speeds, latching onto her almost by lucky accident.

[Senior! I had a feeling you might show up-up!]

[If you're talking slowly enough that I can understand you then I imagine you're exhausted. How are you holding out?]

As I draw closer to the melee I can see her troops are flagging, the relentless press of the enemy has been wearing them down. We've arrived just in time.

[We'd be fine if we could run!] Vibrant's indignation at being denied the freedom to move is total. [Those lizard-gizards won't let us leave!]

[Of course not, they want all of you to be trapped and die.]

[That's terrible!] she gasps over the mental connection.

Even while running I slap myself between my eyes with one antennae.

[What did you think they wanted with you? To go for a friendly jog? They want the termites to rip out your souls and feast on your Biomass! We need to break their concentration or force them to retreat and then we need to get the heck out of here!]

aren't going to invade the

going to invade the damned… no. That isn't going to happen. I'll be happy if we can you are your

[Thanks Senior!]

the front and unleash a Doom Chomp, shattering the bugs in front of me before I hurl concussive blasts of fire down the tunnel. As I arrive, so too does Tiny, the giant ape crashing into the encroaching hordes of termites with fire in his eyes and a broad

to say the least. Detonations rock the face of the mountain, even reaching out to threaten the kaarmodo in their vantage point, however a powerful shield wavers in front of them and my

them the eye-beam,] I command him. [You have my

attention inward to check on the progress of my sub-minds and come out pleased. Compressing a gravity-bomb is no small feat, especially at the levels of density I can achieve now. Comparing it to how I was after my second evolution is like comparing a match to a bonfire. I'll have to step in

are likely to be far more termites in the nest than this, millions even, but they could be anywhere, high up in the mountain, or down deep underground, tending to yet more fungus gardens. In fact,

Chomp! Chomp!

dipping dangerously into my stamina in order to relieve the pressure on the other ants as much as

of the tunnel entrance, sprouting from the perfect darkness with each and lashing out at the nearest termite they can find. As the dark limbs covered in barbs

it is important that I deal with these guys in order for us to escape, but I also really don’t want to

to tell

these giant lizards and their slaves a piece of my mind, I turn and run back, creating some distance but soon enough I slam into a barrier placed before me. The impact is sharp, but not enough to damage me and I shake it off quickly and look up to see the shimmering barrier that they've erected. Now that my pets and

charge into the barrier, smashing my hardened carapace into it with all the strength I can muster, only resting to

a barrier created by five kaarmodo and their dozens of attendants, but what I can do is keep them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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