
Chapter 940


"Minerva, you're gripping too tight."

"Oh, damn."

The pressure eased just enough for Morrelia to gasp down a breath of air. The darkness receded long enough for her to raise her hands and pat her mother on the back.

"Nice to see you too, mother," she rasped.

"Aww, it's great to see you too kid."

With one final bone crunching squeeze, Minerva released her daughter and Morrelia fell on her heels. She absent-mindedly rubbed at her arms. Just how strong was this woman?

Minerva stood taller than her daughter by a few inches, but in many other respects the two looked much the same. The same dark, wavy hair, the same squarish jaw and the same muscular build. Even their eyes were the same steely grey. Having not been this close to her for so many years, Morrelia was shocked at just how alike they were.

"It's wonderful to see you two together again," Titus smiled, an unusual expression on his generally stony face.

Minerva was quick to remark on it.

"Don't smile, husband, you look strange."

Then she laughed.

"By the flame I am happy to finally be out of that office! Now all the pencil pushers will have someone else to bother and I can get back to campaigning. How about you, daughter? Ready to join me in the field."

Minerva flashed a wild grin as Morrelia gaped at her.

"I'm still in training! I'm supposed to be meditating in my pod, isolation to reflect on my gains. Not that I can do that now I suppose," she gestured to the ruined door.

"It's good to be patient and think carefully about how you want to proceed," Titus approved, "believe it or not, your mother had to go through it as well. Don't mind her attitude, she's just excited to see you."

The former Consul eyed the commander through narrowed lids as she pondered violence but Titus just spread his hands. Finally she sighed and sat on the bed.

"Of course I'm excited."

She gestured vaguely.

glued to that desk, sending others out to do the fighting and the dying for far too long. I want to be with my

the Consul, mother. I think you were

same. I think you know exactly

like her more short tempered parent, Morrelia much preferred to

final act as Consul is to break a thousands of years old alliance?" she

dismissed it with a

"You can't be serious."

made it formal. Enough of that, I want

Morrelia shrugged.

training armour. Working on skills. Hunting monsters. Trying to survive the environment.

lead your own Legion someday, you need to be

you saying that someone wouldn't follow her?" Minerva growled. "She's more

have no idea what level I

just got

your instructors. I


an abuse of

are they going to do? Strip her of the role?

eyes sparking with the faintest hint of her famed rage.

her brother was a painful hole that each felt keenly but wouldn't talk about. There was no need. His memory was too large to fit into a few words, it felt as if he would be diminished if they were

the silence, curious about how

Morrelia slumped.

can barely keep it active for ten minutes at a time. The power is incredible, but I'm worried I'll never be able to get my operation time high enough to qualify for

you demand of the mana channels in your body, the more they can do. The rest is down to your determination

guessing you did well then," Morrelia

Minerva smiled.

for the training course," she

is not close,"

"You would know."

never let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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