
Chapter 946

The grind of an ongoing melee was a very different type of combat than the thrilling and domineering charge of the Immortals. The mass that had propelled them through the ranks of the enemy now bore down on their back. Leeroy welcomed it. It had taken her a long time to grow accustomed to fighting with a second shell, but once she had, once her armour wearing Skill had risen to a sufficient rank, she had come to understand its power.

The jaws of the termite foe, long, curved and sharp beyond belief were designed to find the weak points of an insect carapace, the joints between body segments, and sever them brutally. For the Immortals, such weaknesses did not exist. The joints that connected their head, abdomen and thorax were heavily protected by layers of enchanted and hardened metal that defied even the potent mandibles of their enemies.

They had no powerful magic. They could not blast with fire, or ice, or blow powerful gusts of air that would scatter their enemy. Nor did they have powerful streams of acid that would melt their enemies by the dozen. Their mutations and evolutions had driven them in a different direction and it was on those strengths that they now relied.

Their enlarged heads held dense muscles that powered their long, compounded mandibles and they leveraged those with devastating bites. Their legs were specially evolved and mutated to hold their immense weight and drive bursts of speed that allowed them to initiate small charges when given a breath of space.

Though they couldn't reach full speed, these smaller charges allowed them to throw their weight around, bashing into the termites around them, shattering formations and cracking their shells, creating weak points they could exploit.

Fighting in close quarters with Leeroy and her followers was like a human trying to contain a miniature Vibrant in their hand. Painful.

They bashed and crashed, bit and scrapped, stepping over the fallen and broken bodies of their opponents as yet more emerged from the hole in the tunnel wall to take up the fight.

Even with their thick, reinforced carapaces and sophisticated armour, the best that ant ingenuity could provide, they were not invulnerable. As thousands of termites surrounded their hundreds, it was inevitable that they would begin to take damage.

The first wound Leeroy took was close to her neck and she was glad for it. She'd gone too long in this battle without her HP lowering at all. Had her armour not stopped the pointed end of that barb dead in its tracks, she may have suffered a serious wound, more's the pity.

She battled on, her reserves of energy dwindling as she expended her stamina to bite and snap her way through the melee. As the conflict raged, her sisters and her suffered more and more harm. Vastly outnumbered, there was a limit to what they could do to defend themselves as they sought to inflict as much damage on the enemy as possible.

Not that it mattered.

Those tier six members of the Immortals, inflicted as they were with the terrible curse of not properly reading their evolution options, felt the Phoenix Fire building within them. The more damage they took, the brighter it became until it raged within their bodies, a dense ball of energy just waiting to be released.

Still, they fought on. Dragging the enemy down with them kicking and screaming, buying as much time as they could for reinforcements to arrive so that this offensive could finally be repelled.

Finally, she could stand no more.

and Leeroy couldn't react in time. The vicious monster grabbed hold of her leg and threw its weight backwards, causing her to stumble. Before she could reorient herself, three more termites fell on her, biting furiously, their jaws seeking the gaps in her armour that had been torn open over the course

slumped to the ground as the light began to fade from her eyes. It was in these moments that Leeroy felt most at peace, and though she knew it wouldn't last, for a brief moment, she could embrace the illusion that at last she could rest, secure in

before it was cruelly torn away. That cursed organ, deep within her carapace, pulsed ominously before the energy contained within flooded out. A torrent of bright flame erupted within her and rushed through her

her limbs and Leeroy pushed herself to her feet, her mandibles clacking as she shook off the

sisters had begun to ignite as her fellow tier six Immortals took the brunt of the enemy retaliation, not to protect their weaker sisters, but to bring

fight. Her siblings were hopelessly outnumbered still, and no sign of

hope bloomed

IS OUR TIME, SISTERS!" she cried and flung herself back into the

would stick. Every dint in her HP was a step closer. Against impossible odds the Immortals flung themselves again and again, grinding down the foe, burning out their enemies using their own flesh as the tinder. Leeroy fought like a creature possessed of madness. No injury could stop her, no massed ranks could suppress her, she charged again and again, crashing through

of her antennae had been torn off. One of her legs was broken. She fought on. Surely.

termite live! Chase them

new scent came, but the following rush of steps announced the arrival of more ants to the scene. Soon she was surrounded by fresh soldiers who threw themselves against the depleted termite force, filled

Her heart sank.

She'd been so close.

Advant came and patted her on the back. "You

ant lines. She knew it would be hopeless to continue fighting,

behemoths began to regroup, pulling themselves away from the

the Eldest

become so twisted it needed to be removed before they could rise. They set to the task sluggishly, all of their previous

the strange note she

comrades standing over another Immortal, one leg extended and placed on the other's carapace. The steel of the fallen one's armour was so twisted, so tortured, there was no possible way she could stand, she would need help. Leeroy sighed and began to drag herself over. She would assist her sister, of course she would. She may need to bite through the metal

had called her remained strangely

strange emotion bubbled up in Leeroy at that moment. A feeling she could

she forced her broken leg

she demanded, not taking her eyes off her

the ant could not go on.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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