
Chapter 951

This period of history became known as the Great Expansion, the first of several large spans of aggressive land claims made by the Colony. What differentiated these from the manner of conquest utilised by the sapient races of Pangera was our unusual 'top down' approach. When the Colony claimed an area in the third stratum, they also seized the land above it in the second, and the first, and on the surface.

When we descended to another layer in force, we strived to ensure that the resources and cities beneath what we had already taken became ours as well. Although it was generally considered a normal practice to try and achieve this vertical structure, none were as fanatical about it as the Colony. Indeed, it was commonplace to possess significant holdings in the fourth stratum, a place of incredible value to any with the means to exploit it, and not bother to invest in the extremely difficult to manage third stratum, and unimportant second and first strata.

As we remained creatures of low mana requirements, the nests and academies spread far and wide across the upper levels of the Dungeon, accompanied by matching outreach from the human population on the surface. During this first wave of outreach, the city of Rylleh established its exploratory foundation that initiated construction of the new city that became Sothoth.

  • From the records of Historiant.

I really need a holiday. As nice as it's been to engage in endless combat against the termites, and believe me, it has been satisfying on a primal level to rip into those damn abominations, I feel like I need a break.

With the lizards stepping in and taking control of the offensive directly, the entire battlefield has turned into a giant cat and mouse game. Vast swarms of termites sweep forward, tear up our tunnels, try to hunt down our patrols, lay false scent trails and generally be a nuisance before they retreat. Or they pretend to retreat but instead lay a trap and when we run in to try and chase them out, termites pour out of the walls and drop on top of us.

means the Colony has returned fire, setting traps of their own, false tunnels, chambers filled with concentrated acid, misleading trails, surprise forays into disputed territory, raids on termite tunnels as they ferry reinforcements to the

cursed scale. The only ant who got close

being seen, no matter how hard we

the termites along with Tiny, Invidia and Crinis, sometimes with Sarah, causing as much mayhem as possible before retreating back to safe ground. Once we regroup, we try to find another likely location and run

the situation cannot help but sink in. The number of termites swarming around the territory

way back to the Bruan'chii settlement to try and get an audience with the tree herself. As a fellow reincarnation, I have

stands over me. In terms of overall mass, I'm quite a bit larger than the tree man, but ants tend to be much longer than they are tall, I'm quite a midget for a tier six monster in that respect.

to talk or not?]

am not sure what she will

I've been told, she's been difficult from the

flowers, bushes and roots that adorn the walls in the chamber rustle

will speak,] he tells me

going to be able to help against the termite threat any time soon? We've been doing pretty darn well holding off in the invasion so far on our own, but a little

helping. When the incursions reach her roots, hasn't she been fighting?] the Keeper replies

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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