
Chapter 957

Mother looks at me, a twinge of amusement in her eyes as her antennae continue to hover threateningly. I swear she gets far more enjoyment than she should by whacking me on the head. I'm not sure I've ever seen her hit someone else, to be honest. It's not fair!

"Mother. It's lovely to see you as always, I'm just surprised is all. I thought you were very comfortable in the main nest."

"I experienced some issues due to a lack of mana. It was tolerable and I was happy to remain, but now that a secure nest has been constructed in this stratum, there is no reason I shouldn't move down and take up residence here."

"The fact that the Colony is at war in this layer wouldn't have anything to do with it?"

The Queen isn't fazed by my question and replies forthrightly.

"Of course if my children are fighting then I should help. Isn't that normal?"

"I suppose it is," I sigh.

Though I doubt the rest of the Colony were happy with her decision. In fact, the guards crawling all around are throwing me dirty looks for agreeing with her. What do you want me to do? Nobody is going to tell the Queen what to do, least of all me! If I suggest she try and look after herself, all that's going to happen is I get smacked in the head. Still, I suppose I should try.

"Just… try to be careful? A bit? The family would be sad if anything were to happen to you."

"Of course, child. I do not intend to needlessly throw my life away, but I have the ability to help, so I shall."

She looks at me as if I'm a touch foolish to think that she would do anything else. I stare flatly at the guards who now pretend they were never glaring at me to begin with. You morons, now mother thinks I'm an idiot. That's what I get for trying to help you.

word that there are tier eight demons beneath us. So we need to be careful. If they come up here, we'll be forced into a fight that

Colony should stand

got my own thing going on. We aren't expecting them to pop up here anytime soon, but fighting

my hunt. Be well, child. Try


reply, the Queen pats me on the head once before she walks away, trailed by as many as a thousand ants who nervously skitter around her as if expecting powerful monsters to leap out of the air

going to do whatever she wants, which is nothing less than she deserves after the service she's done for the family, but I wish she wasn't so comfortable risking herself. I know she doesn't think of herself as irreplaceable, goodness knows how many queens we have now, but were she to

It's kind of strange to think there's so many members of the Colony who haven't laid eyes on the Queen. Or me, come to think of it.

million? Is anyone even counting? Where's Accountant when you need her? Actually,

I turn back to the

the Dungeon

more to it, I think, in terms of what evolutions you choose, and what path you emphasise. From what we understand of the Call,

[Well that's just… great.]

much choice. Unless I can find a way to mitigate this effect, then I'm just going to have to learn to live with it. Learning to live with

and when I was a human there was that time with the legs. Those bones healed up alright, the pain when walking was less

didn't, I died from hunger

hands whether or not this happens, and I won't say we didn't

too much emotion from you. Don't

a laugh behind his triad leader and even Torrina cracks a

incredible and the ancients being gits. Hopefully at some point down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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