
Chapter 963

"I'm really not sure about this," Isaac muttered under his breath.

[That makes two of us…] his new partner replied.

"I really didn't think they would go for this as enthusiastically as they did."

[It's how we are. If there's an advantage in it, we're more than happy to explore it. Even if it does prove to be… unconventional.]

Isaac felt the massive ant shift beneath him and tried to adjust his position to roll with the movement. The saddle they'd created wasn't quite the right shape, the craft ants having never made anything of this sort before, and it chafed him ever so slightly in an area he would prefer didn't see any chafing.

"I just never imagined that I'd ever be riding on the back of one of you. I mean, I didn't expect that I'd be fighting alongside any monstrous ants, but I got used to that well enough, but to be riding on one? Feels kind of weird. You aren't horses."

[What's a horse?]

"Have you seen a cow?"

[I have, in the farms around Renewal.]

"Right, so think of a cow that's prettier and faster."

[… I do not like this comparison.]

"That's what I mean!"

The once former guard captain heaved a sigh and once again fruitlessly tried to protect his most vulnerable zones from the pommel that rose too sharply between his legs. If it was made of cured leather, that'd be one thing, but that damned armour ant had decided to cover the thing in folded steel. To say he was sweating would be an understatement.

count you in starting in one minute's time. Prepare yourself,

then, here

you don't fall

at least half responsible for

[That is somewhat true.]

up the walls, across the roof and back down again. If he just had to hold on, that would be one thing, but the series of targets

On the surface it was a noble's weapon and down below no idiot would be fighting on

time,] chided Cavalant and Isaac rolled his

the ant he rode, to the point he didn't need to speak aloud if he didn't want to, but to an extent their senses were shared as well. Combined with a quite respectable

him, flexing her six legs as she lowered her centre of gravity. When the countdown finished, she would explode from the starting line and

mage and as predicted, Cavalant launched herself forward, all six legs firing in a

on. Gripping with his legs, Isaac desperately clung to his partner's back, straining to hold his lance steady as they

going up,]

could I

rock flashed into his mind, then,

have a strap to grip to avoid falling to his death. A handy feature

he swore as he struggled to

across the wall, zigging and zagging madly along the trail. For his part, Isaac held fast to his lance and aimed it as best he could, every day

Crack. Crack. Crack.

point of his spear and then, with one nauseating dash, Cavalant

and Isaac hurried to tighten his legs, desperate

think I’m going

[Don't you dare!]

Crack. Crack. Crack!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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