
Chapter 967

Full of vim and vigour, we dash off to find Sarah toiling away helping to build walls. The great bear isn't much for digging, lacking the zen-like disposition that ants have towards it, or our powerful mandibles. You'd think hands would be great for shifting dirt, but nope, mandibles is where it's at. The two face-hands are excellent for both cutting into the unyielding rock, and gathering up loose soil into a clump.

[Hey Sarah!]

[Anthony? You're back already?]

[Yep! Ready to throw myself into unspeakable danger in the hopes of bringing a swifter conclusion to the war. You want in?]

The great bear looks at me and blinks a few times slowly.

[You want me to join you on one of your crazy suicide missions.]

[Why not? You make it sound like something a person wouldn't want to do.]

[Anthony, a normal person absolutely wouldn't want to do that.]

about normal people? I don't see any of them around here. All I see are the greatest and most incredible ant that ever

a long moment before she slowly

she says, [I'll do

you'd say no. I was only inviting you

friendly? Actually, it doesn't matter. I want to help. I want to end this war before it gets out of hand.

a great thought but I don't want to tell her that it's highly unlikely to happen. Even after the termites are dealt with, we still have a burgeoning conflict with the Ka'armodo, the worrying demon movements to stress about and the industriousness of the Colony itself. Even without foes pushing back against us, the Colony will always keep growing outwards until it hits

third underway, it's only a matter of time until we get started on the

Sarah recruited, it's

past layers of entrenched defences as we make our way towards the main tunnel connecting the Colony on the path

a little luck, they'll come for us and we can hold out long enough for the Colony to take advantage and punch some deep

drive forward, make as much of a mess as I can, and count on

eyes, until we leave the last wall behind. My antennae wave constantly as I take the lead, feeling my way forward, looking

dead silent, and dark, but that isn't enough to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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