
Chapter 973

I have no idea how many tons of material rained down, but it had to be a lot. Thankfully the integrity of things like soil and stone are more than a little 'iffy' here on Pangera. By all rights, the planet should collapse in on itself given the fact that it's largely hollow, but when we add mana into the mix things get weird.

So the whole mountain didn't collapse on us, which is a plus, but we were still rather squished.

In fact, it was Invidia that made the save. Acting as fast as thought, the green eyed demon is able to apply his prodigious mental powers and create an eight layered barrier over our heads. They don't hold, of course they wouldn't, not against literal tons of material, but they do enough that we aren't smooshed to paste, slowing the falling rock to the point we are pinned rather than dead.

[Nice save, Invidia!]

[Givessss more praisssse!]

Can't be stingy considering he just saved our lives.

[You really made the five hundre-, one thousa, let's go with ten thousand IQ play! Great job!]

I keep revising my estimation of his brain power upward as I think about the sheer size of this dude's brain. Invidia chuckles evilly with glee and I can feel his satisfaction radiating over our mental connection. You can have all the praise you want champ. You do good work.

Alright, now what?

[Can anyone move?] I ask.

[I can, master.]

suppose you can wriggle through the

[A little. Be careful!]

and kick until I give up and start pumping earth mana through the omni-elemental construct. Once I have

sections whilst hardening others, compressing the loose soil into rock pillars that can support the weight above me and creating a

leg, its beady, near blind eyes staring

shift my position but end up just gnashing my mandibles in frustration as I fail to reach my opponent. Eyes now filled with

That hurts dammit!

make any large moves since I might bring down more rock on my own head! I'll have to keep reinforcing the area around

you wait you damn termite! I'll get

as you move,] I belatedly warn my pets, [you might make your

grumbles at me and I get images of him lying flat under a mass of dirt. His bones are too solid to break, but his

see if you can earth magic your way over to Tiny. Heal him up and then try to solidify sections of stone to bear the weight. Eventually you'll be


the enemy all around us. There are thousands

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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