
Chapter 975


[If you hear something weird, let me know. For now we need to focus on not getting killed.]

[Yes,] the great bear shakes her head, [you're right, of course.]

With the crew back together we're in a better position to resist, but the pressure quickly begins to mount. Our opponents are digging constantly, creating tunnels to reach us under the rubble and I can feel that they have us completely surrounded. Perhaps as many as a hundred thousand of the filthy, soul sucking insects are all around us, ready to rend my precious, shiny carapace and extract the juicy Biomass within. There must be as many as ten ka'armodo in the area to control and direct this horde. They must be extremely confident to put themselves out on a limb like this. The thought occurs to me that one gravity bomb right now would cripple the entire termite force and ensure victory for the Colony.

But unlike Leeroy, I don't think that way. I intend to win this war and live to mock every lizard I see. Even normal ones. If I see a gecko scurrying up the wall after this is all done, I'll give it a serve.

My minds continue to churn, heating up under the constant pressure applied from being used so hyper-efficiently. Each brain is doing the work of three or four thanks to the mind constructs and without the aid of the Vestibule they'd be just about cooked already. It's been worth it, we finally have some space in which to work, especially crucial for Tiny. Crinis and I are pretty happy fighting covered in dirt, we can handle it just fine, but without room to swing, the big ape is just a sitting duck. Invidia too can't be his usual explosive self in such tight confines. Truth be told, he still doesn't have enough room, if he starts letting the explosions go in here, he'll hit us just as much as the enemy.

[Let's form up,] I tell the others, [tight formation, but we need to keep working our way toward the nearest tunnel. It's about forty metres that way,] I point with an antenna. [It's already swarming with termites, but we'll have more room to work with.]

can sense more

this is going to get

through the

Void Chomp!

most powerful bite obliterates them but already more are dropping from above. Sarah rears up and swipes two straight out of the air and Tiny combos with her, delivering a

the roof down on

me. If we can last a little longer so I can manufacture the right situation then there might be a chance to pull some shenanigans. We'll just have

goes to work in the tiny tunnels the termites have dug. She does her best to limit the flow of reinforcements, but with literally thousands of bodies pushing their way in, there's only so much she can do to stem the tide. It almost feels like it's raining termites as they begin to burrow through all around us, leaping from the openings they create to dive down

keep tunnelling to one side with my minds, recruiting Invidia to try and speed the process up, but there's only

in the nards! The

necessity I unleash multiple Void Chomps in close succession, clearing away space

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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