
Chapter 977

"Move quickly! Push! Don't leave a single termite alive!" Advant blasted her surroundings with pheromones, not that the ants needed much motivating.

They'd been bottled up by the enemy for too long, unable to be aggressive as the termites frustrated them with seemingly endless hit and run attacks against their walls. Now, thanks to the Eldest, they were able to charge forward to their hearts' content. In fact, the largest problem the leadership was having during the offensive was holding their forces back.

Ahead of her, a clash was taking place as tens of thousands of ants rushed into battle. It was difficult to see what was happening as the soldiers of the Colony piled on top of each other at the front, creating a wall of carapace and eager mandibles that swarmed over the termite defenders, ripping and tearing. She might have felt sorry for a different enemy. This position had already been bombarded with acid and magic, softening the resistance for the final charge of soldiers, scouts and generals, but termites deserved no less than this.

To think they would attempt to slay the Eldest. The presumption of it was more than insulting!

Every ant felt fire burning in their core, flooding their limbs with strength. They knew that the Eldest, the most powerful and revered member of their family, was fighting against impossible odds in order to create this opportunity. They wouldn't let it go to waste! The harder they fought, and the faster they advanced, the sooner they could come to the rescue of the mighty ant.

"Mages forward!" she ordered and she could scent the order being relayed down the line.

She watched the fight with a critical eye, relaying orders to the generals and taking reports as they came back from the thick of the fighting.

"WHOO! This is a blast and a half, isn't it?" Propellant roared as she rushed forward ahead of her mage battalion. "Did you see us light them up? Haven't seen that much flame since we left the third! What now? What do we burn?"

The eagerness of the council member's voice was more than a little distasteful to Advant, as was the wild and manic look in her compound eyes.

and recon, not

mage lost some of her

Her disappointment was total. She flicked her antennae miserably before she sighed. "Alright,

we burning, senior?" the mage battalion demanded as they

and sensing! Get to

deeply aware of. False tunnels, traps, fake trails, large pockets of enemies hidden in temporary caverns, ready to emerge behind Colony lines. The ka'armodo could have left any number of traps behind in

Advant turned back to the battle with a critical eye, but soon found

this?" the mage asked. "After

Advant shifted irritably.

face to face with the soul devouring termites is no simple thing," she informed her mage counterpart, "something that you wouldn't know much about, Propellant. Show a little respect to your

the efforts of the soldiers," Propellant waved an antenna, despite knowing full well that she frequently did just that. "I'm simply concerned

all worried about the Eldest," Advant snapped before she calmed

administer to the wounded as the ants sorted themselves into their separate battalions. All along the field of battle, the soldiers, generals and scouts rested while they cleaned their antennae, dragging them through the

march to the

work quickly," the mage assured her sibling, "they are positively burning with fighting

to burn

proven their worth over the course of their rolling advance, it was just their eagerness that bordered on mania the soldier didn't appreciate. Soon enough it was time to continue and Advant

into position with uncanny precision before they began to move at a steady pace. Advant watched her sisters march with pride, knowing how difficult it was for them to achieve. Each caste had to walk at their own cadence to achieve this even speed, given that their sizes varied so wildly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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