
Chapter 980

To battle against so many is a difficult thing to. Constantly on the move, even within such a tight space, I work my mandibles furiously. Chomp, chomp, chomp! Occasionally I mix in a Void Chomp to clear away space, each devastating bite is enough to disintegrate a dozen termites at once, more if they pack close enough.

If I could commit and go closer, I might defeat a hundred with a single chomp, but I would risk being surrounded and overwhelmed. I'm not willing to bury myself under an infinite number of termites like Sarah is, I need to keep hitting and running.

Speaking of the Asura Bear, I can still hear her roar. It builds and builds, even though she's literally covered in monsters. Not sure who I feel sorry for, I have no doubt she's getting torn up in there, but all that does is make her more mad. The crunch of her jaws when bites and the slash of her claws when she swipes give me shivers. No matter how thick the termite swarm around her is, the sounds just keep coming.

Every time I think I thib nk I have good grasp on just how strong she is, I realise I've underestimated her.

Just how much physical strength does she have?! It's insane! The sheer weight bearing down on her is beyond counting, yet she's still fighting in there like nothing is happening? Hello? Sarah? Can you help me make sense of that for a minute?! I know it has something to do with her "Rage Engine" or whatever the hell organ turns on her berserk mode.

Despite how impressive it is, I keep in mind that she's also taking damage. The longer this goes on, the more she's going to get hurt and the closer she'll come to death. I knew this would be a dangerous, all or nothing type of gamble, but it was never my intention to put Sarah into the deep end. I'd hoped to be the only one who had to do that.

out when the chance arose. Once the chips were down, she threw herself in at the first opportunity. With Tiny fighting on that side

from place to place. If I focus only on his legs, I would think he was performing an elegant, graceful dance. Those giant fury feet shift and turn so smoothly I could almost be convinced he choreographed the whole thing

I knew this was no slow ballad. Tiny's hands moved so fast I couldn't see them, only the blur they left behind. Over and over again the giant fists of light slammed into the wall of termites, slowing its progress and almost driving it back. He won't be able to keep that insane level of output

take action before

get cracking on a new spell. Try to

the well of power that still remains largely untapped during this extended battle: the gravity mana gland. I used it for a

inducing. Of all my brains, only the main one is in any state to cast. So as I reach within

pick up the slack, which is an odd sensation to

a limited number of things I can do with the gravity mana, without the specific spell constructs gained from the dedicated skill. Most of those won't be useful right now, so I have no choice

dangerous? May do more harm than good? Absolutely! But desperate

thing to keep in mind, is that I don't have to dump all of my mana into a single gravity bomb. I was able to cast a much weaker version of the spell immediately after I gained the gland after all.

to my command, compressing and twisting in on itself as I begin to condense it over and over again. It doesn't take long for the ball of mana

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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