
Chapter 982

The Colony learned much from the ways of the surface people. We studied many industries that they had developed over hundreds, thousands of years. Agriculture, metalwork, fletching, administration, pottery, tea making, and many others. Some of the learnings were exceptionally valuable and proved to have a long lasting impact on us, whereas others were less useful. Nevertheless, the thirst for knowledge and understanding within the family was insatiable, any titbit that might help us in our struggle was sought after zealously. So it was that I became drawn to the field of Philosophy.

Surely, I thought to myself, none of my brethren would have taken the time to study such an esoteric field. Therefore I would be the first, and break new ground for the family by utilising the knowledge and techniques found within for our betterment.

I was sadly mistaken. The surface dwellers occupied themselves with so many pointless questions, the answers to which seemed most obvious to me.

Why do I exist? To help the Colony.

What is the purpose of life? To help the Colony.

Why does the universe exist? For the Colony.

What is death? When you can no longer help the Colony.

Though it all seemed so clear to me, the human, golgari and others couldn't seem to grasp hold of anything. They drove themselves mad with rhetoric, driving down rabbit holes and fudging numbers back and forth until they lost sight of the questions they were trying to answer. The more I dove in, the more tangled the maze became. The pursuit of truth was entirely lost as they tried to make the simple complex and the complex simple.

I lamented the lack of purpose from my years of study for a long time. Fortunately, I was able to realise that my effort had not been wasted, that there was some good for me to extract that would benefit my family.

More than any other ant, I knew the thought processes and values of the sapient races. I knew that they were weak.

  • From the private notes of Emannuelk Ant.

If he had told himself a year ago what he would be doing now, he would have told himself he was insane. Though Wallace Danton, once the head guard of Rylleh, had long suspected his egg had cracked when the Colony had invaded his city. When the ants had approached him to take up this new role, he'd seen where they were coming from. In their eyes, he was a natural fit. He had combat experience against the ants, had attempted to defend a city against their assault, and had then gone on to live with and work alongside them for an extended period of time.

Colony when approaching other independent city states on

hands rose to tug at his uniform almost of their own volition, but he stopped them before Yasmine caught him at it. He managed to push them back down, but

with the Colony seemed to do that, eventually. It was hard to fear something that served such fantastic tea and biscuits. Alongside their general hospitality, the ants had proven to be the most effective administrators he'd ever seen. They ran their business

they applied them directly and consistently, without fear or favour. What really set them apart, was their own unshakeable assurance of their own impartiality. They never hesitated to make the best ruling when called upon to settle disputes, and no protest was possible. Trying to argue to an ant of the


of the attendant broke Wallace's train of thought and he

she gripped his elbow rather more

said when she

dress uniform? Waiting in antechambers? He'd rather be fighting, but it appeared as if those days were lost

of stern Lords and Ladies past. The city of Ironwall had been settled a scant few decades before Rylleh, but for whatever reason had considered itself vastly superior throughout their history. It was undeniable that Ironwall was the larger and more prosperous of the two, mainly due to deposits of valuable minerals in the area. Rylleh on the other hand had boasted a far stronger military and

them. Young and in good condition, the man appeared


again," Korbell offered his hand warmly and Wallace extended his own to shake it.

to lay on the charm, the young Lord greeted them both

Rylleh. When I heard you were here wanting an audience, I thought I had to seize

Wallace shrugged.

boring. You should know that better

Korbell grinned.

along the border. I can't say I don't mind the peace and quiet, but I have

got conquered by ants,"

as her boss threw their carefully planned negotiating tactic out the window. Before she could tactically stomp on his foot, she found

the moment, "is that there was a… a

"I'll say," Wallace grunted.

Lord of Ironwall leaned back and beheld

it was monsters. In truth, I'd actually expected the entire city had been wiped out. We haven't been able to open a gate into Rylleh for months, and we

confirmed, ignoring Yasmine's subtle elbow digging. "They overwhelmed the city in just a few hours. The ants rule over it

at him for a long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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