
Chapter 993

That… was exhausting. Holy moly I'm tired.

I managed to break the stalemate, but it wasn't exactly the most subtle or efficient way to do it. This is why I leave the thinking to the Council. I nearly died, but hey, the problem has been solved!

The bruan'chii are more than happy to keep rolling the offensive forward. The poor dudes have been bottling up their aggression for so long, they're practically about to burst! Now that the big Mum has let them off the leash, the pent up rage is quite the thing to see.

Nice to see them so full of beans. The bruan'chii can be a lively sort when the mood takes them. Good on 'em. Go be the best wooden tree people that you can be.

I'm just going to chill for a bit. Maybe try and count all the holes I now have in my carapace.

"Master, are you well?" Crinis asks, worried.

"I'm just dandy. A little worse for wear, but nothing that won't heal up in fairly short order. How about you?"

"I lost a great deal of flesh. Those filthy, worthless creatures… I will be glad when they no longer trouble us."

"Me too."

Going around the group, it seems as though we mostly pulled through ok. Tiny is exhausted, having drained his stamina completely. He barely has the energy to shovel some Biomass into his face, which is saying something. Invidia was barely scratched, which is a good thing considering how relatively squishy he is. One bite from a termite and those copious brains might have been leaking out again.

By far the most wounded is Sarah. Under the careful ministrations of our floating eyeball demon, she's recovered a fair bit, but even healing magic has diminishing returns. To completely heal, she'll need food, rest and ongoing treatment over a couple of days.


can never be certain of safety within the Dungeon, I can feel an entire army of my family running through the area, so I don't feel too threatened. It won't be long before they converge on this area, so in the meantime, I might indulge in a quick



the tunnel around me has already become filled with ants. There's a ton of Biomass to be carted off and my family is already hard


can see that, Eldest. I was just hoping for a chance to thank you for what you've done. Our situation has been turned on its head because

in, prodding the soldier between the eyes with one antenna, freezing her in place. I turn

"Uh… yes?"


job to do that only I could do, so I did it. Every ant in the Colony

actively sifting through the stream of Will that flows into


of attitude is this for an ant to have? Honestly, the only Colony member I expected to celebrate what I'd done was Leeroy, which obviously isn't a good thing! What I said to the two council members, I meant. The ants are the most selfless creatures I've ever met or heard of, just like they are in their natural state on Earth. The intelligence they've

ant did, and to be honest, getting this gratitude for it is making me uncomfortable. Not forgetting for a second just how un-antlike I find this behaviour. What is

it loud enough for all the ants around me to hear. "She threw herself into the fight and sustained the worst injuries of all of us. If you want to give someone some praise, then give it to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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