
Chapter 1000

A cold wind blew. It cut through the empty street, and through the lone figure who staggered through the chill, a package tucked under one arm. The small person pulled a tattered coat tighter around their slight frame as they looked around, seeking something that they soon found.

A familiar sight, a familiar door, though it had looked different in years passed.

Back then, a family had lived here, some of the time. The Father, frequently away, the Mother distant and cold, like a winter wind. Less like a home, more of a hotel, with its comings and goings. It lacked the warmth of welcome, the comfort one sensed from a door with someone waiting behind it. There was almost never anyone behind it.

The boy though, he was always there, even when the others weren't.

It wasn't so bad, he often thought to himself. People led busy lives, there often wasn't enough energy left to tend to those around them. Many lived in worse conditions, much worse. Besides, what was the use in complaining?

Especially when you've got a job to do.

He walked over to the house and leaned into the gate, forcing it to swing open with a creak. Sounded like it was getting rusty. Likely it was. He'd tend to it tomorrow maybe, or the day after. He needed a good sleep before anything else.

Well, he needed a meal, but he tried not to think about that.

A key was removed from a pocket and with a metallic clack it turned in the lock. The door opened to a dark corridor. As he always did, the boy leaned forward to check for any mail. It had been some time since he'd received a letter from his parents. Perhaps it was a little ungrateful of him, but he didn't even need a letter at this point, a little money would be more than welcome.

had been some time since he'd

as ever lately. With a quiet shrug, the boy stepped inside the house and closed the door behind him, ensuring the lock was turned afterwards. He wouldn't make

moly," he

confirmed when his surroundings remained dark. At least something had been learned.

notice that could be reasonably expected. The lack of cooling in the fridge wouldn't be a problem, since there

cold, that was one thing, but his sisters

Speaking of.


and began the climb up the stairs. Each step was more of a struggle than usual, and it became harder to ignore the gnawing hollow in his

caught napping though!

his fist in triumph. Then he staggered as the strength left his

might have been easier to house the girls on the ground floor. However, only in this room, upstairs, was there a

the room at the end of

"Dammit!" he yelped.

sisters, were hard at work. The scouts and foragers were busy, despite

food he could afford, even then he'd needed a discount from Mr Balney, the local butcher. It wasn't

carefully lowered it down into the open topped foraging area. He lay it down in a corner where none of his sisters would be crushed and watched with delight

of meat that the workers then devoured. With food safely stored in their abdomen, the scouts then turned and rushed back to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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