
Chapter 1007

Having the collective Will of over a hundred thousand sentient creatures flowing through you at once is… heady stuff. When all hundred thousand of them are baying for the blood of their ancestral enemies… it’s… difficult to stay level.

When Leeroy rocketed off like an idiot it was all I could do not to race in after her. If I’d actually joined in on the predictably suicidal charge of the Immortals I might never have lived it down. The last thing i want is for more of my siblings to join that stupid death cult. I can’t believe they carried their dead sister into battle… in a casket that spread pheromones saying “death is coming!”

I mean, that’s just not appropriate. The fact that Cardigant probably wouldn’t mind doesn’t matter in my books. Where’s the respect?

I keep a steady stream of nonsense thoughts buzzing through my head as the front line of troops steps forward to engage the termites. The flood of Will pouring into me feels like a hive mind right now, the intent is so unified. It’s like an angry god is poking me right in the brain, demanding I kill termites.

I’m going, alright? I’m going!

Despite my best efforts to remain in control of myself, I find my mandibles quivering with eagerness. Resolutely I pull them back and lock them into place as we continue our steady march forward.

The termites wait to receive us, thousands upon thousands of them piled up in the entrance to their nest. Even without the ka’armodo controlling them, they would still be here ready to receive us, they know, deep down, what it means when the ants come knocking on the nest.

That’s right you blind cockroaches, either you fight us off or we bring the whole thing down on your heads! The nest, the brood, the queens, none of it will remain!

Not the kings either, I suppose, though the idea of kings is just… weird. I mean… what for?

No, Anthony! Don’t dismiss your own original gender as useless, even casually! Don’t forget your essential man-ness. Just because male ants are effectively useless and die almost immediately after they pass on their genes doesn’t mean you can throw away your inner self!

Bah! Like it even matters. It’s time to fight!

The nearest termite looms large in my eyes, rage and hate burning in every inch of its carapace and I leap forward, jaws ready to bite. That’s exactly how I feel about you, bud!


ants and my foe reels back, or tries to, with the barbs of my

No escape for

when Tiny jumps over my head and


with his mind and body at

battle is burning in the big ape’s eyes already, no point wasting energy talking to him. I’ll just move onto the

when I turn and move around Tiny’s giant frame as he begins to hop lightly on his feet and unleash his devastating fists, I find Crinis is busy stuffing termites into her mouth whilst she drills into the minds of others and turns them against


master?] she

[... nothing.]

battle after all. I’m just overflowing with this energy and I

me, Crinis on the


out right next to me, vaporising a host of

Invidia purrs,

curved with glee. That little goblin knew I was going for them and is extra happy because he got to take them from

I can’t take it

I’m going to make

That wasn’t

survives contact with the enemy, Crinis.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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