
Chapter 1010

Overhead, the rock face of an entire mountain rushed down to meet them, the roar of tearing stone deafening to all in the mouth of the nest. Advant looked up, her mandibles set in grim determination. What happened next wasn’t up to her, but she would believe in her sisters.

“Ignore the mountain!” she spread the message with confidence. “Drive the enemy back into the nest! Push!”

As good as her words, she dove back into the conflict, mandibles snapping. She used her mass and thick carapace to bully and shove at the termites, breaking up their line and knocking them off balance with sheer strength.

Even blind as they were, the termites could still detect something was wrong, Advant could see it in the way their antennae twitched frantically. The air was thick with rival pheromones as they blasted each other. They wanted to rebel against the control that lay over them, wanted to defend their nest, protect their queen, repair the damage, but they couldn’t. The lizards wouldn’t let them.

The Colony general almost felt sorry for them. The termites were little more than slaves, denied their natural patterns of behaviour and forced to throw their lives away in an attempt to bring down a superior insect.

Of course, there was no pity for the termite scum. They had to be eliminated, there was simply no other choice.

Up and down the line, the ants continued to push forward, heedless of the collapsing mountainside dropping on their heads. Bite, push, charge, pull back, bite. They fell into the repetitive pattern of insect warfare, willpower and grit were more important than skill in this contest.


She heard a mighty eruption, followed by a colossal shower of dirt launching into the sky at several points behind her. She didn’t react or turn, but her range of vision allowed her to see the enormous spires rising into the sky.

As a front line soldier, she hadn’t been party to the full plan, but she trusted her siblings. There was no way that Sloan hadn’t accounted for something like the lizards trying to drop the mountain on them.

by thousands of combined minds, eight spires of condensed stone grew upwards, rapidly sprouting trees of rock that raced into the sky. As the frontline pushed ever deeper into the falling mountain, the huge rock projections of the Colony’s mages drove straight into the

to rain down as splintered chunks of rock broke off from the main body. Anything large enough to damage the ants fighting beneath was deflected with shields or broken apart with other magic. All the while the pillars

they responded admirably, driving into the teeth of the enemy. They were inside the nest now,

the Colony mages strove to hold back the heavens. It was more than

But they didn’t waver.

of rock, impaled upon the mighty pillars the mages had erected, still it fell. The

field of purple light flickered

faded away, rising high and encompassing the falling stone in a heartbeat. Immediately, the speed of descent slowed, their imminent crushing held

the Colony put to good

seconds to rise and support the mountain further. The

as the Eldest acted to save them, deploying


In fact, if she didn’t grip the ground tightly, she

“Eldest?!” she demanded, worried.

can’t direct this all that well!” the large ant called back. “But they better hurry up,

the mana sight skill — Advant could feel the vast rush of energy channelled by the Colony.

pale and their

working in perfect harmony. Formed and shaped with the will of the Colony, the energy flooded into the ground, strengthening the pillars and branching out within the collapsed stone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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