
Chapter 1014

We warred for survival. That was our driving motivation for so long that when we eventually reached the point that survival wasn’t threatened, we almost didn’t know how to act. We had established enough power, enough allies, that the forces who sought to exterminate us were unwilling to pay the cost, and thus secured our ongoing existence.

Some theorise that it is only when one doesn’t have to struggle day to day that their true personality can shine through. In that case, this period would reveal who the Colony was, what our priorities were, and who we saw ourselves being in the future.

Even the Eldest, so often the driving force behind our development and direction, stepped into the background. Left to our own devices, the Colony had to search deep within itself to find a new direction, a new channel in which to place its bottomless energy.


  • Excerpt from the private notes of Historiant

Turns out, it takes a lot of mana to create a volcanic eruption.

[Stay away from the master you trash! Die!]


[Ssssurrender your livesss to me!]


And it requires an extreme level of concentration and focus.

[Succumb to fear! Retreat from the shadows!]

[Ahhh. The experience isss mine!]


[Can you keep it down, dammit! I’m trying to focus!]

[Sorry, Master!]

to expect them to

I’ll try and get this ready as


workers are capable of nibbling at the stone and tearing it down piece by piece. Since neither I, nor Invidia have the energy to spend on repairing it, we are becoming more exposed as

to whipping up some

This spell is such a freakin’ pain

condensed before they are added to the intricate weave that is this spell. Its structure is almost like a spherical

want to be standing next to when it goes off, but I don’t know how long it takes to


more of them

name of all that is ant can there be

don’t know, but they managed

the tunnel corner like literal water, a densely packed wave that sloshes and froths as individuals are

have gotten out to the wider nest that the queens were under threat. Naturally they drop everything, no matter what is happening, to come and defend the queen. In fact, the ka’armodo

there’s a few lizards with

tell them. [Unleash everything you’ve

[I-I’ve got it, Master.]

hasssss it! Givesss it to

unleashes his devastating eye beam. In fact, he appears to have supercharged it this time, the green light shredding through everything it touches. It looks like it’s shredding anything that even gets close to it! Holy moly you

thick ichor dripping onto the tunnel floor beneath his hovering form. That is less


he replies with supreme

threads with all the delicacy and speed I can muster. Within, the

the damn thing

on mana,

cry out in triumph.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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