
Chapter 1025

As before, my consciousness fades away before it’s drawn from my body. The dizzying experience of having one's soul sent spinning down the plug-hole isn’t one that I missed, but I’m starting to get used to it.

What does that say about my life?

Eventually, everything falls still and I float, formless in the void. I suppose that means I’ve arrived?

[Indeed. I am interested to see that you have survived yet again.]

Wow. Way to damn me with faint praise. You sound surprised that I survived. I’ve been kicking backside in the Dungeon! I’m taking names up there!

[You continue to surprise me with how well you have adapted,] Gandalf muses. [If all of your fellow introduced souls performed as well as you, progress would be much more swift.]

Progress? Progress to what?

[I don’t believe that is any of your business.] The voice is faintly amused, happy to continue dangling his secrets beyond my grasp.

Fine. Keep your damned secrets to yourself then. I’ve got other things I want to complain about.

[You want to complain?] Gandalf sounds almost surprised, as if nobody had ever done so before.

Of course I do! Diamond Centipedes? I mean… really. DIAMOND CENTIPEDES! Why don’t you just spit in my face, huh? Why not just show up and poke me straight in the eyes? It’d hurt less!

[I believe I’ve explained to you that I am not in direct control of such things. The centipede species has been performing well in the Dungeon and so they are being propagated. Success breeds success.]

Performing well? My family has stomped them into the ground every time we see them! Obviously, ants are the superior insect. Something must be direly wrong with the Dungeon if it keeps spitting out those clawed idiots.

will take care of itself, there are no mistakes. The System does

Could have fooled me….

am more interested in discussing your new evolution. You decided to forgo the Larval Deity evolution? An

really shrug as a bodiless

wasn’t really my

that would surely have been picked up by the powerful Dungeon Seers located around the

that, I suppose.

the Paragon to its conclusion. Though I didn’t expect you to

of me, but I want to step forward to protect my family from the things out there that

[Even the Ancients?]

you believe those bums stuck this stupid Call in me? It’s

muses, [I ceased taking pleasure in their futile struggles millennia ago. Yet

Struggles? Against what?

suppose you

to… elaborate


you. In fact, I’m probably running out of chances to engage in this conversation. Pretty soon, I expect I’ll run into the wall and won’t evolve much anymore. One or two more times, probably, three

miss that. Observing your journey and engaging in these conversations has been

and I have no idea what that refers

no great secret. The Dungeon operates in a cyclical manner, mana surging, new monsters

are currently in a surging part

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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