
Chapter 1036

“Thank you for everything, mayor.” A woman tearfully held Enid’s hand in a too-tight grip, looking down at the aged mayor.

“You’re more than welcome, dear,” Enid smiled, patting her on the shoulder and diplomatically freeing her hand. “What we achieved, we achieved together. No one person can take the credit.”

A few more words were exchanged and then she moved on, only to be stopped down the road by someone else who wanted to thank her for her service. It had been like this ever since her retirement had been officially announced by the council three days ago. Every time she stepped out her door, she was accosted by the people of Renewal who wanted to let her know how much she meant to them.

[This must be confusing for you,] she said to Diplomant, who accompanied her, [this outpouring of gratitude to someone who no longer wants to work.]

The ant skittered along at her side, antennae waving slowly.

[There are several concepts at play that are not wholly understood by us. As creatures of the Dungeon, formed of mana, we do not age, so the idea of ‘retirement’ is not one that we think about. I can see how one might want to indulge in a ‘well-earned rest’, as their capacity to work diminishes. The gratitude of the people is also heartwarming to see. They deeply appreciate the work you have done, and so thank you for it.]

[You’ve grasped it quite well,] Enid mused. [We humans eventually slow down and run out of steam, unlike you monsters. Usually, once we can’t do as good a job as we could do before, we stop working, and our families take care of us until we die.]

[There are several points I don’t understand in what you said. Firstly, I do not believe that your work has suffered at all. The town is thriving, the people are happy and the decisions you have made benefited all. The Colony has learned much by closely observing your performance as an administrator.]

[That’s awfully kind of you to say. If I were to be specific, then I would say that I don’t believe my performance has declined yet, but that it soon will, so I wish to remove myself before that happens.]

[Very well then. Secondly, you say that old humans depend on their families to care for them? I was unaware that you had family in the area.]

[I don’t,] Enid sighed, [not for a long time.]

[Then the Colony will care for you,] the ant said firmly. [You have contributed much and we would celebrate that.]

The old woman felt genuinely touched.

with a smile. [That is

Mayor Ruther!” A breathless young man ran

She scowled.

I’m not the mayor anymore, just

my name?” he

she groused. “What do you

he said, “I mean, who you think

Enid gaped at him.

for yourself. There’s no right

The country might reside in the hands of the monarchy, and the titles in the hands of the nobility, but at the local level, it was normal to have a commoner step in

of who the candidates are?] Diplomant asked her, after a pause to have the conversation

been keeping track of it on purpose,

turned back

you know who is running? Have you informed yourself

he exclaimed. “The nominations aren’t closed yet, but

to know more of this process from his point of


obviously, and there were rumblings that Priest Beyn would be put forward as a candidate, but a representative stated he was too busy and that nobody with a position in

Beyn’s people did, but there needed to be

an unsurprisingly pro-agriculture platform,” Matthew went on. “He won’t win, though, because

that a bad thing?] Diplomant wondered. [We will help when

makes demands of the Colony,” Matthew replied when Enid passed on the query. “Asking them for help is one thing, but

but never depended on them coming through. The people of Renewal loved the ants, but didn’t

for council seats and they are a diverse and competent group, even including a few others who have announced their candidacy. He has a lot of trust amongst the people, since he worked

been a trader, from further north, before the wave. He’d had contacts and assets in still standing kingdoms and older empires, but had chosen to come here with the other survivors. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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