
Chapter 1047

Ants flooded through the tunnels, called to action stations by urgent pheromone messages distributed by the still under development “automated noiseless announcement system.”

If Sloan had any hair, she would be pulling it out of her carapace right now. Instead, she had to settle for tugging insistently on her antennae with her mandibles as her brain tried to spin the logistics needed for the required movements.

“It’s fine,” she said to the other council members, who stared at her, doubt plain in their eyes. “No, really. All we have to do is mount a campaign to secure this location, protect the Eldest and develop our defences, whilst simultaneously attacking into the teeth of a ravenous horde of demons on the third stratum to rescue the Queen. Simple.”

“How is any part of that simple?” Propellant scoffed. “This problem doesn’t go away or shrink into insignificance just because you pretend it’s easy. We need you in reality, Sloan.”

“Reality isn’t my friend right now.”

“Nobody is disagreeing with that. There has to be a way to turn this around. We need explosive action!”

“We need a calm, measured response,” Coolant rebutted. “If we rush we might make a critical error.”

“If we don’t rush we’re going to be too late! We don’t have time to think.”

“Both of you be quiet,” Advant said with authority, causing the two mages to subside. “Sloan has already described what we need to do, and it is simple. There has to be a defensive force left here to protect the Eldest until they complete their evolution. There also has to be an extensive force assembled and launched into the third stratum to protect the Queen and prepare for a possible demon invasion.”

they began to comprehend the scale of the task, and the limited amount of time at hand. It was an impossible

“If something is turning the demons rabid, then we

demons within their own cities turned

Propellant said, looking shocked. “If that happens, this could escalate

too many council members here to properly manage the crises on the third stratum, so we need to divide ourselves between the two locations. I suggest that the bulk of the fighters be sent to combat the demon threat, while the crafters remain


Immortal burst

be far more dangerous than just demons. We

suppose that’s alright

thankful nods. Without the chaos

to it. Good luck, everyone,” Sloan said. “I’ll

through the gate provided by the Mother Tree. Hundreds of thousands of the

rushed to descend in columns kilometres

all levels, the Colony kept in mind the wisdom of the Eldest. It

times, wondering if the Colony outnumbered

forefront was Victor, directing traffic in the emergency command post established above the tunnel the Queen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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