
Chapter 1056

We will be one

Within, within

Surrender the self

To him, to him

The darkest night

Will end, will end

The cage of our flesh

Will break, will break

But we will live

Forever and ever.

In him

Prayer and refrain from the “Lamentations: Spirit of the Great One”, written by Priest Beyn.

the golden mountain, it was a prosperous trading hub, a raucous tourist destination and the seat of power

by the shoulders and pulled him out of the way as the next group came through behind him. He stumbled a little, caught himself, and then walked down the ramp and into the plaza,

the Guild registry where they confirmed their applications, found their way to the dock and boarded the

crews getting their gear stowed away, catching up with old friends, alongside the usual brainless flexing

at the hubbub and

his shoulder. “Just because it’s your first time on a big expedition, that doesn’t mean you need to announce it to the world. At least try to act like

was so patently transparent that he couldn’t help but bark out a laugh, drawing more eyes

didn’t take long for them to find their bunks and pack away their belongings. While he had them together,

The Path must have posted this job in quite a few cities; mercs are pouring into Gliax from all over

trying to contain their excitement, and he smiled. Their attitude was

going to be powerful, experienced mercs out there boasting, daring each other, making bets and generally acting like pirates. Don’t be fooled. When the time comes, they’ll forget all of that nonsense and get down to business. Mercs who aren’t careful don’t live

impatient, as if he’d heard this a hundred times before, which he had, to be fair. Elly was nodding, hanging on his every word as she always did, while Lacos’

and poked the young man

profit, and get out. More mercs on the job is good for us, we can operate on the fringes and avoid attention. I won’t accept anyone risking the crew because

rubbed at the spot


Rillik grunted.

you go. It’s a guarantee that some big shot is going to try and recruit crews and lone morons into an attempt to kill the mythic. When they approach you, look them in the eye and very politely tell them to jump overboard. I don’t care if they promise you world-diamond

“Crystal,” they chorused.

out of here,” he told

Lacos asked as the other two scrambled out the

off as he kicked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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