
Chapter 1060

“Finally,” Rillik grunted.

“This was far more effort than I expected,” Lacos agreed, fatigue breaking through his normally indefatigable visage.

“If you don’t mind,” Elly said through gritted teeth, “would you hurry up and finish the job? I’m the one who has to bind them.”

“Right, sorry.”

The crew leader stepped forward, blade in hand, and sized up the two ants they had, after much difficulty, managed to separate from the pack and capture. Restrained for the moment, they thrashed and struggled under the influence of Elly’s magic as he tried to find the best angle to approach for a clean kill.

The gaps in the carapace were the best approach, but the damn creatures were intelligent and shifted themselves every time he approached.

“Elly, can you bind them a little tighter? I don’t want to ruin the carapace if I can help it.”

It looked heavily mutated and might be worth as much as the core if they could bring it all back.

“No, I can’t,” she ground out, “they’re tougher than they look. Get it done quick, I can’t hold them forever.”

Hunting intelligent monsters was always such a pain. Rillik much preferred stronger, stupid targets than creatures like these. They’d had to rely heavily on Lacos’ powers of diversion and illusion to lure these two away from the rest, but they wouldn’t have long until they were swarmed.

“Fine, I’ll just grab the cores,” he said.

Such a waste, but circumstances were what they were. Better to get out with something than nothing at all. These two cores would almost cover the cost of the trip, though not for recruiting and training up a new member.

That idiot, Drake. Why is it so hard to find people who are patient?

He pulled back his arm and the blade began to shine, but then something happened that stilled his hand. First, the ants went still, no longer trying to break free. Instead, they turned to look behind them. Second, he felt a vast presence at the edge of his awareness suddenly reveal itself.

“What’s wrong?” Elly demanded. “Hurry up and get it done!”

his side

them go,” he

Are you out of

look at her,

hope,” he said quietly. “Let

for herself, going pale as a ghost when that powerful aura washed over her senses. As quickly as she could, she unwove the nets that bound the ants to

tight with tension. “I can swim deep, try and

side. “This is a mythic monster, there’s nowhere we can run. If we had an hour, we still

he felt and his own imminent demise. The formerly captured ants hadn’t leapt on them and chewed them to bits, which was a good sign. There was no reason for the creature to spare them, but he had to seize whatever chance he could, for the sake of

monster awake, the chance of Drake

a moment, Elly and Lacos sat down next to him to await their fate. It was almost surreal, sitting

led you into this,” Rillik said. “I knew it was a risk, but I decided to

has always been a possibility,” Lacos said. “I do not blame you in

knew what we were getting into, boss,” Elly agreed. “It was us that brought the

their hearts pounding in their chests as that oppressive

couldn’t help but sigh in awe. It was the first time he had laid eyes on a mythic monster,

was a dominating physical presence. Fifteen metres long, at least, it towered over them, its eyes sitting five metres off the ground. The weight of its

looked magical, mysterious, and deadly. It would have been an incredible prize to bring home had someone managed it, but hunting monsters of this calibre was nothing

the Legion, or a powerful nation, would

as to what it would do to them. Depending on mercy from a monster was the last resort for any delver, and also their final one. Monsters weren’t known for their mercy. Not that he blamed them, he hunted and killed them for a living, so why would he

the air. Even if it was hypocrisy, he

“We surrender,” he said.

front of him before a thought pushed its way

mean, what do

its horrific mouth set underneath the spot its mandibles joined its head. Thankfully, it lowered

that ants have the gift of the gab,

mind. Despite everything, the monster sounded… surprisingly

with monsters unless you have specific training and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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