
Chapter 1066

It’s been a while since I checked in on my three companions, ages in fact. At tier six, they’re powerful and intelligent monsters in their own right, capable of making their own decisions about how they want to progress and grow.

And yes, I’m including Tiny in that. He’s not as dumb as he once was, though he’s still quite dim, and he’s proven that he can invest his Skill Points and make smart mutations. I’ve struggled to believe it at times, but even his pick up of Fancy Feet ended up paying dividends.

Of course, the fact that I haven’t checked their cores in so long is a reflection of my trust and faith in my comrades, and nothing to do with an overwhelming sense of laziness and deep-rooted hatred of details and numbers.

Don’t look at me like that.

But of course, now that I have achieved Mythic Status, now that I have ascended to this summit, I naturally need to bring my friends along with me. Some might call me crazy, or insane, or profligate to the extreme, but I’m determined for the three of them to rise to the same heights that I do.

[Right then,] I tell them, [how are you all travelling? How are you going? It’s a long road to reach level one-hundred and sixty, I had to blow up a mountain of termites to get there as quickly as I did.]

Tiny flexes sadly and I understand immediately what he’s trying to say.

[Don’t worry about it buddy, you’ll catch up in no time.]

Crinis also sounds apologetic as she speaks to me.

[I’m sorry, Master, I still have a long way to go.]

[It’s not a problem, really,] I reassure her.

Invidia stares at me with his one eye, unblinking.

[Give me your levelsssss. I wantssss them.]

[You know I can’t give you levels. We’ll focus on you guys going forward, don’t worry.]

The three of them seem keen to evolve and become mythic monsters, which is good. Motivation is important in any endeavour.

[Don’t stress about it, team. Let’s have a look at where you’re at, then we can work out what we’re doing going forward. Who’s first?]

Invidia floats forward.

[I sssshall go first.]

Interesting. He probably didn’t want to get jealous of the others so he put himself first to avoid it.

[Alrighty, let’s take a peek.]

I bring my antennae forward and touch them against the tiny demon, activating my core skill and accepting the flood of information that comes with it. Sorting through it all, I get a good look at his status.

Name: Invidia

Level: 91 (Rare) (VI)

Might: 14

Toughness: 40

Cunning: 212

Will: 149

HP: 80/80

MP: 660/660



Diamond Mind (V) Level 76; Master Stamina (IV) Level 8; Zen Meditation (IV) Level 37; Master Clumsy Flight (IV) Level 25;


Level 71; Compounded Mana (V) Level 56; Gripping External Mana Manipulation (V) Level 68; Mana Hoarder (IV) Level 34; Multi-Layered Mind Magic Affinity (VI) Level 10; Broad Mana Sensing (V) Level 61; Condensed Demon Laser (IV) Level 32; Grandmaster Combustion Magic Affinity (V) Level 5; Master Shield Magic Affinity (IV) Level 5; Expert Healing Magic


(V) Level





Eye of Envy +30; Majestic Mana Sensory Organ +30;


Bottomless Stomach +30; Mega-Rapid Mana Charging Wings +30; Expanded Mana Soaking Demon Pocket +30; Mana Drinking


Will Barrier


Mana Manipulating

Species: Lesser Envy Demon

Skill points: 88

Biomass: 344

Invidia. You’ve been a busy little

he has. His spell Skills are climbing higher and higher over time, reaching new tiers that have no doubt expanded his capabilities massively. It looks as if he recently purchased new explosion-based Skills as

into a fluttering bomb factory. At the rate he’s going, he’ll

mana even further. Despite evolving a step ahead of him, this guy can pull in and shape mana far better than I can. That’s the power

a ridiculous amount of Skill Points kicking around though, Invidia. I’m sure you can find some more things to spend them on. Try and find

The eye glitters.

Skillsssss. I ssshall

a tap on the head with

here and let’s take a look under

once again impressed with just how tall this dude is. I severely outmass him at

stretch forth an antenna and examine his

Name: Tiny

Level: 74 (Rare) (VI)

Might: 550

Toughness: 126

Cunning: 20

Will: 38

HP: 252/252

MP: 466/466



15; Instant Dash (IV) Level 10; Master Dodge (IV) Level 30; Advanced Flight



Feet (V)


Master Grappling (IV) Level 39; Resonant Smashing Blows (V) Level 22; Expert Ape Jab (IV) Level 12; Advanced Magic




Sonic Enhancer +30; Hyper-Ignition Energy Conversion Gland +30; Meshed Shadow Wings +30; Sparking Tesla Fur +30; Regenerative



Affinity Gland +30; Arcing


Skill points: 76

Biomass: 211

to rank up, giving him even more explosive power and damage potential. Also fully mutated, his ability to channel vast amounts of lightning in shockingly (heh) small time frames has really improved. His fur is an almost perfect conductor, and the ignition glands are now able to amplify the

can see he’s added a few new items as well. Not nearly

[you’ve got a ton banked up and I’m sure there’s some

looks at me like I’m

some defence or general stuff for a change. Look, you’ve even got a limited ability to fly now, there might be other awesome stuff

an antenna back there and have a look at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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