
Chapter 1074

Again?! I have to say, I’ve had enough of these waves. Each one is worse than the last. I mean, the Colony has been able to grow rapidly thanks to the injection of experience and Biomass, but the risk rises exponentially each time. This time, we’ll be fighting across four strata at the same time!

What a nightmare.

At least, if we can find ways to block off the ascent of the monsters here in the fourth, we lessen the pressure on our territory above.

Ugh. I just realised that this means I’ll have to take on more of those scum from the fifth. That poison is no joke! Countermeasures will need to be put in place… but I’ll leave the thinking to the smarter ants. When they work out where they want me to go, I’ll go and help as best I can. In the short term, that’ll mean taking on multiple tier eight demons, which is going to suck, but that’s the challenge I took on when I picked the evolution I did.

“Sloan! What the hell is going on up there?” I demand as I burst into the central planning chamber of the new fortress nest.

There’s a swirling vortex of generals, mages, carvers and shapers centred around the council member in the middle of the space. The moment I burst in, everyone freezes, staring back at me, their antennae drifting slowly from side to side.

“Ooookay,” I say. “Don’t let me… uh… interrupt.”

“Bit late for that, don’t you think?” Sloan said. “Welcome back, Eldest. I assume you’re talking about the situation on the third?”


They’re all still staring at me, like mice looking at a cat, hoping they won’t be spotted if they don’t move. It’s unnerving!

“Uh. Brilliant popped out of nowhere and gave me a quick update, but I thought I should talk to you to get a clearer picture.”

strata, but far from the most reliable. She tends to miss details, or gloss over them, which is strange considering how intelligent

there, but there’s a whole lot of… gaps? She’s going to be an amazing help for the Colony, but she definitely

going to be turning herself inside

the place. Even some ‘settled’ tier six demons in the


and lean on our demon allies to try and


an underlying cause. If we can work out what it

to do much investigating. More to the point, I don’t think

Good point.

with a wave coming, that’s not likely to get any

on the third stratum are especially deadly. The

biting little demons to get any higher? The entire floor of the place is a literal

abandon the plains and do our best


her mandibles in

three of them seem to gather for reasons we don’t understand. The general consensus is that they’re gradually rising, though that may accelerate as the mana levels rise. We just don’t know enough to be able to predict when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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