
Chapter 1083

Grey tried to suppress his growl of frustration, holding his wolf-like features in an expression of quiet contemplation. Despite his best efforts, his hands twisted as if wringing the neck of his guest.

“That seems quite unfortunate,” he said.

Sitting opposite, across a low table that held two cups of steaming tea, a fellow member of the Folk sat, a wolf, same as Grey. Red shrugged, causing the blade, still in its sheath, on his lap to clink as it shifted.

“Discussions on a matter this serious are always deliberate and careful. They can’t be rushed. If the wrong conclusion were reached, it would be a disaster for us all.”

Such an obvious statement. It was so blindingly obvious a newborn mole-folk, who hadn’t even opened its blind eyes, had seen and understood it.

Peace, like a lily on the pond. Float above, as the anger sinks below.

“Discussions on this very serious matter have been ongoing for…” he pretended to think, “why, several months now. Were they to move any slower, we may be accused of being incapable of making decisions for ourselves. I would hate for our leaders to be accused of being doddering simpletons, lacking in wisdom, or the capacity for speech.”

Nice job keeping your calm, Grey.

Despite remonstrating himself for his less than diplomatic choice of words, the old wolf didn’t regret them. Discussion between the various Enclave leaders had dragged on, with none willing to make definitive steps for or against any proposal.

Regardless how they attempted to dress it up, they were being indecisive, which did impact on their reputation. The more the Folk appeared to bicker back and forth among themselves, the less unified the front they presented to the outside world. It was that front that had protected and preserved them through the dark days.

Red did not appear perturbed by the harsh words, though a slight edge in his tone gave away his irritation.

“The opinion of outsiders is of no concern to me, or to any of the Folk. We walk our own trail, as we always have.”

Complete and utter nonsense.

presume that no blademasters have been sent to challenge others in the

sure you are aware that they have,” Red said, left eye twitching

“But why? If we do not care what outsiders think, what need is there to demonstrate our prowess? That would be as if our perceived competence and strength were

table so he could bow at the waist, smirking as he did so. Silence reigned between the two

posture and slouched to

didn’t favour you for the seat,” he sniped, “you lack patience.

Grey snarled, snapping upright once more. “Expecting you to move faster than a titan-stone caterpillar is lacking

dare you?!” Red snarled

lunged forward, teeth exposed, growling and glaring

from behind the screen that

“What is it, White?”

if you and

Folk continued to stare with anger-filled eyes at

This is a diplomatic exchange between family


Silence… then.

did Red, allowing the

screen slid open to reveal White kneeling patiently, a placid expression on her

either of you like more tea?”

thank you,” Red

are fine, thank you,

Master,” replied his apprentice, bowing before she slid the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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