
Chapter 1085

Hanging out on the third stratum is uncomfortable, that much has been established. While I’m here, I may as well get something out of my time, but as a tier seven, there isn’t a whole lot I can do to gain experience. I get a bit of Biomass, obviously, but the most important thing to mutate is my Altar, and I’m still not entirely clear on how the thing works.

As the mana level gradually rises, Tiny, Crinis, Invidia and myself stick to Colony territory, hunting and grinding as the Colony works itself into a frenzy around us. Farming the waves has become something of a Colony tradition, and this time around is shaping up to be no different.

I’ve no doubt that the already existing network of farms in the Shadow Sea are being massively expanded, but it’s here on the Demon Plains that the biggest push is being made.

I had a chat with a few engineers when I walked past, just because I was curious as to how they were going to go about it. The main goal of the farms is to create an enclosed system wherein the monster spawns have a high chance of forming a core. Getting Biomass out of them is nice, obviously, but the dramatic increase in core inflow is the real prize of the waves if you ask me.

There are a ridiculous number of ants now, and more being born every day. There are something like twenty egg-producing nests now, each with three queens hitting their quotas daily. Thousands and thousands of eggs every week! The Colony is well on the way to reaching Super-Colony status!

I feel extremely proud of our progress. On Earth, there were some truly massive ant Colonies that we can compare ourselves to. A single nest, or Colony, of some species could hold up to several million individuals, a number we are rapidly approaching.

A super-colony is created when ants in multiple nests recognise each other as the same species, and therefore cooperate. For ants, this isn’t normal. The pheromones of one Colony are usually too different after a single generation, so the children of a Queen will fight and compete against ants from the nest she was born in!

doesn’t happen, when the children still recognise their parent nest as being friendly, they cooperate and act as one massive Colony. There were several of these on Earth, numbering hundreds of millions of ants and tens

One day….

about it! Obviously, monster spawning on the third works differently than anywhere else we’ve attempted this. The larvae just pop out of the ground in truly absurd numbers, immediately start murdering each other until a select few survive to evolve. Then they kill each other and a few evolve.

the ratio of larvae that survive to reach tier

So wasteful!

demon rearing. Picking out a promising larva and tending

again, are waaay overrepresented

found on the Plains of

about demon spawning, is that they tend to always want to spawn on the ground if they can. If

every five minutes. The hope is that the victorious monster will clear out the

on it. An ingenious mechanism that utilises the latest in enchanting techniques to measure core strength. Impressive to say the least! And what do the demons find when they climb through? A whole new room, larger this time, connected to exactly twenty of the lower rooms.

other! Over and over again until a tier three is created. Once

an even larger space, in which they fight, until a tier four is created! Then they climb up the final grate, ready to achieve freedom… except they get harvested by the Colony instead. If it’s a particularly useful, or powerful demon, we may end up just recruiting them. Help them get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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