
Chapter 1087

It took an embarrassing amount of time to get myself out from under all the rocks and I apologised to the others profusely. I’m taking away from their precious training time with my idiocy, after all!

We push down to the next layer, bypass the demon city there and the three pets continue their hunting activities on the plains while I focus on using the greater space to run my tests with a little more safely.

Turns out my dash Skill needs a minimum of a hundred metres room when I’m charging it up with my Altar. At least, that remains the case until I get a better handle on it, I can’t seem to accurately judge the distance or control how far I travel when I’m moving with that much juice.

Further chomp testing yields similar results as before. Essentially, an Altar boosted Void Chomp is completely off the chain, so out of control that it and control have never been seen together in the same room. The destructive power is… rather intimidating. When compared to the normal, unempowered Void Chomp, the result is more than twice as devastating in terms of the area. It’s difficult to tell what sort of effect there is to damage, the rock doesn’t exactly do a great job resisting the attack.

It’s stronger, how much, I can’t really tell.

With the basic physical Skills tested, I move on and try to use my spells. Not getting crazy about it, no Gravity Bombs or the like, at least not yet, but I fling out a few firebolts to see what happens. Unempowered, they’re not overly impressive, but when I attempt to use the Altar, I’m delighted to find that the energy floods out one again, beefing up the spell to a much more impressive version of itself.

Which still isn’t much, it’s just a firebolt after all.

Even so, this is progress! I run through a few other spells, testing how much energy is used and what sort of effect I see from the influence of the Altar.

makes sense, I suppose. Basically, the Altar tips in an equal amount to whatever Spell or Skill I’m activating, which means the beefier the attack, the

explains why the Void Chomp experiences such

a full

they already are. I’m not certain if that’s an exact estimate, but it feels like a simple way to understand what is happening

friends keep hunting, racking up experience, I continue to test my abilities and chow down on the Biomass. I’ll need to mutate the Altar at some point soon, along with everything else I have. It’ll be easy to get my body fully mutated before I next evolve, but there’s no point in lollygagging and taking it slow, I’ll pack in the food now and mutate as soon

going to taking on a series of monsters an entire tier higher than I am, I’ll need to make sure I have every advantage squared

a couple of days, which isn’t enough to make much of a

this before, but trying to get three separate pets to reach tier seven is an incredible resource sink. Splitting the cores between us, we go through a fortune in precious gems

hundred and sixty is no joke! The sheer amount of hunting that needs to be done to reach that kind of level is absurdly high. To create a single tier seven pet, you could raise an army up

I’m determined. I refuse

I still haven’t given

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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