
Chapter 1089

I have to say, the demons are acting more… vigorous, as the wave approaches.

[It’s a combination of the rising mana level, and the growing influence of Arconidem,] Al informs me. [As our access to mana grows, it feeds our obsessions, making them stronger. Look over there.]

I can already see where the demon is pointing, but I turn anyway, facing down a narrow path in Roklu toward a cluster of buildings. At first, I’m not sure what I’m meant to be seeing, but after a few seconds, a wicked, blade-coated demon bursts out of a building, barbed, scythe-like arms swinging as it screams bloody murder at the ash-filled sky.

[Blood demon. The urge has grown too strong to resist. Disappointing.]

As we watch, the demon in question throws itself at its nearest compatriot, still shrieking like a banshee.

[Uhhh. Should we do something about that?]

[Your compatriots have become quite proficient at dealing with situations such as this. Watch.]

And we do. The crazed blood demon continues to go absolutely wild at everything it sees, without much success, it must be said. I think the unthinking, berserk nature of the attack is helping in that department. Another few moments pass and then… BAM!

Like a squad of determined ninja-police, ants appear. Leaping over the edges of the buildings, scuttling down the walls, they rush into the conflict, barrel over the offending demon and just like that, the threshing mass of demon and blade is contained.

In fact, the ants deploy something I’ve never seen before. It appears to be a weighted net of some sort. It must be made of incredibly hard material, since even the blood-demon hasn’t been able to cut through the threads.

Just like that, what had moments ago been a frightening spectacle, a powerful tier six demon going on a rampage, has been resolved. The ants quickly check the area, repair the damage, heal any wounds, tip me a quick dip of the antennae, then drag the still screaming demon away.

[Holy moly,] I say, impressed. [What are they going to do with the demon?]

[They’ll take her down to the plains and set her loose. Messy. Doing so will enable her to satisfy her obsession in a safe manner. After that, she will be able to return.]

Man, the Colony really has done a good job trying to manage the demons living in our territory. Rather than trying to suppress or control them, we’ve let them indulge their obsessions in as safe a way as we can manage. Safe for the Colony, anyway.

this way. Each of them cares only about one thing, and I think they honestly find it strange

normal for a

demon burns

been higher than normal. With

a twilight-filament antenna. The threat of violence is explosive, and if demons are growing ever more obsessive, I can imagine exactly what’s going to

demons will be even

are going to lash out for practically

and other violence-motivated demons are going to cause absolute mayhem all the time. I can only imagine what it’s going to

with those who succumb to the urging of their meddling Ancient… parent, or whatever

presume those who are falling into Arconi-dumb’s crusade are more numerous

the case. It is… interesting, watching it take place.

I didn’t think there would be, considering it was… what… like a thousand years

are some, but they are not on our

[Well, darn.]

talking about the tier eights below. After checking out the city with Al, we march down into the gigantic anthill built beneath the plate to see if the brass have worked


wearily. “I could ask you to go to a hundred places, but

are large enough to warrant your attention,” Victor says. “There are plenty of others

see the two of them together in the same room these days. The two premier military commanders in the Colony have

the response to the wave from here?” I

better when we have each other to refine our ideas. We’ve been training other teams to help plan strategy around the Colony so we

you’re needed everywhere at once, isn’t it?” I nod sagely. Then I step forward and poke the two of them with an antenna each. “But

share an uneasy glance before turning

really isn’t anything big enough to demand your

problems, but none so dire that only

doesn’t mean you just leave me twiddling my claws until some massive problem

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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