
Chapter 1091

Sometimes, a horde just gets out of control. It can happen to anyone, who am I to judge? Call in the professional barber service, give a little snip here, a little snip there, and voila! Your rampaging army of feral demons is suddenly that much more manageable.

We’ve cycled through assaults on the horde four times now, and it’s honestly a bit of a laugh. There’s no coordination amongst them, and they aren’t quick enough to catch us when we try to run, especially not when I drop a gravity bomb on the frontrunners.

Now, there’s no need to fear. I know that this isn’t the majority of the demon army, or even a significant percentage. If it were, there would be tier eight demons trying to stomp on my head.

Where are the rest of them? No idea! But while this group is out here going wild, we may as well do our bit to reduce their numbers.

[How are you doing, Tiny? Ready to go again?]

He gives me a grin and a confident thumbs up. I’d expect nothing less from him. In fact, why the heck do I bother asking? If he had no legs and only one arm, he’d still give me a grin and a confident thumbs up!

[Invidia, how’s the mana situation? Make sure you don’t run low.]

[I am taking it allssss,] he tells me smugly.

Of course you are, I’m letting you recharge your core from the ambient mana, you eye-goof. Well, he’s performed admirably so far, I won’t begrudge him his little triumphs.

[Crinis, how’s the shadow flesh stocks? No need to recharge?]

ready to

of them every time we go in. It’s important you keep yourself topped off. All right then, let’s go

time. They found a second city not that long ago, and we hit them twice during their assault. Now it appears they’ve moved on. Not to worry!

the obvious trail of wanton

depressing, though. When we do finally catch up with them, it appears as though they’ve managed to replenish their numbers from the city that they smashed. Clearly, the frenzied assault

and getting the heck out of here. Which is exactly what Arconidem is looking for, I suppose. If he thinks the Colony is going to up and

now that we’ve caught

Aaaand they’re off!

it’s Tiny taking the prize! What’s

is doing to them, but they have gone completely loco. The intelligent, obsession-focused monsters are gone, replaced by these slavering hounds, desperate to enact his will. It’s depressing if I’m

these demons. As long as they operate at full firepower, it's too hard for the demons to surround them, but

to fight an entire army by themselves, that would be awesome! Maybe after

Alright then.

got about a minute left, then we’ll retreat that way, through that other army



seems off about what I just said. The time? No, that’s right, one

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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