
Chapter 1100

I turn to the last demon, the mage, and immediately resume my icicle barrage in order to give myself a little time and space.

Holy moly! I’m tired. That took a fair bit out of me, but so long as the Colony is close enough, I will never truly tire. Sure enough, as Will continues to flow through the Vestibule, my brains are soothed, my muscles restored and my stamina replenished.

This is the power of family! Gwheheheh!

With my siblings helping me, I need never fear a tier seven demon ever again!

Having said that, the Altar is looking a little forlorn. The attacks I’ve used so far have taken a huge chunk out of it, and with the gravity domain active, it won’t gain any power either. I’ll have to finish this last tier seven without it.

I mean, I could turn off the domain spell, but then I’d be swarmed by the masses of weaker monsters. No thanks. I’d just get bogged down and lasered in the face a bunch of times. I’m not in the mood for a ranged battle against a specialist spell demon. Fighting Invidia once was enough for me to swear off that for the foreseeable future.

My ice spears rocket through the air, shattering noisily against the demon’s shield and filling the air with a frozen mist that quickly burns away. Eyes burning with mindless rage, the mage hisses in agitation, returning fire with more lasers that sear across my carapace.

That spell is so damn fast!

Unfortunately for my opponent, it may be able to hit me, but it doesn’t pack enough punch to inflict lasting damage to my carapace. With gravity mana constantly flowing, my body is humming at max capacity and the inner-plating is doing its job repairing my exo-skeleton before any weaknesses can really appear.

wait around and find out a more powerful version of this spell exists that melts through me, so I need to keep

brightly as the mana in my core is converted. Experts at handling this particular flavour of mana,

to specialise in these methods, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful. Against Garralosh, the mental-attack was extremely effective, and defending

air, rushing toward the demon. My sudden shift in tactics causes a moment of hesitation, which

was close. Still, that might keep her


to go harder on the offensive, I’ll immediately gain

and increasing the pressure of my mind attack. The demon is far from helpless and fires back

get myself out of the way before the laser can

to chunk them up at some point, especially the joints. Now that my carapace is truly difficult to penetrate,

prevent me from

my mental attack continues to build until a few different bits and pieces begin to slip through. Random thoughts, false sensory impressions, sounds and sights that bewilder and confuse. Once

is no match for the barrage of physical attacks that

Holy moly!

back after delivering the final chomp as an explosion of guts and brain matter projects out from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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