
Chapter 1102

I really need to mutate my stomach. After powering through the remains of two tier seven demons, I’m absolutely stuffed. Without my capacity upgrades, it would have been impossible to fit them both in. It’s a little saddening that my efficiency upgrades give me absolutely no benefit when eating another monster of my own tier, but such is life. Those mutations exist, but I’ve gotten far more value from my higher Biomass gain from lower tiered food.

As I flop on my side, still surrounded by my gravity domain, I groan and rub at my distended gaster with my back legs.

“Might have gone a little overboard there,” I mumble.

With such Biomass-rich fare on the table before me, it’s not like I could possibly hold back. Like a bloated uncle at Christmas time, I kept going back for more until it was all gone.

As I flop, I idly check on my mana and Altar and am delighted to find that my resources are barely going down at all. With my increased gravity mana generation while using gravity mana, I can sustain the domain almost indefinitely. I will eventually run out, but with this spell alone running, I can sustain it for hours.

There’s enough of the Colony in range to keep the Altar running steady as well. The net result is that I’m able to take some time to digest, undisturbed by the rest of the horde while my three comrades battle fiercely.

It takes them over an hour to finish the fight, but eventually, Tiny, Crinis and Invidia make their way over to me when no more demons remain. Bruised, battered and low on resources, the three of them look absolutely spent.

I stretch my six legs, clean my antennae and stand up.

“Great work, you three!” I congratulate them.

Protectant materialises beside Tiny, looking similarly spent. Her antennae have a definite ‘I’m annoyed at you’ tilt.

of course, great work to you twenty as well!” I say enthusiastically. “A hard fought battle is the best way to rank up your Skills and

there should


isn’t short on the third stratum, it’s hungry mouths. Demon larvae are

maw, flicking the little

fingers will need an even larger

them rush around the field, stuffing their faces as quickly as they can until they’re all full and we depart the field. It’s time

climbing isn’t all that feasible right now. I have to strain much harder than normal, due to all the extra weight we’re carrying, but eventually,

to say the least. Thankfully, the demons we meet aren’t

on our hunt, outside of my fight against the tier sevens, but there’s a vast sense of comfort that comes

and markers tingling against my antennae. The Vestibule thunders with

well do a little mutating

[I’m ready, Master.]

can always count

Tiny snorts loudly.

[And you, Tiny.]

Invidia blinks, slowly.

you too,

all so sensitive? Here in the safety of Colony controlled land, and with the dignity preserved by the dedication of my loyal shadow monster, I dive into

hitting that prestigious mark at the moment. I think my first order of business should be to ramp up my stomach. After stuffing myself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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