
Chapter 1116

I’m tempted to just start throwing gravity bombs out willy-nilly, but that would just make a chaotic situation even more absurd, so I resist the urge. Who knows what might happen if massive detonations started ringing out all over the place?

Besides, with my current form, I’m more than capable of causing plenty of destruction without relying on my most powerful spell. After all, there are hundreds of thousands, if not over a million ants within range of my Vestibule right now. That means I can use the energy of the Altar a heck of a lot more liberally than before!


Prepare yourselves, demons! You are about to feel my wrath!

Chuckling to myself, I draw deep on my gravitational mana, folding and weaving it into the incredibly complex forms required to utilise this powerful and rare energy.

The gravity domain flickers into existence and expands outwards from me. Fuelled by the power of the Altar, the crushing force is magnified multiple times, but just for good measure, I compressed the mana as much as possible to give it that extra OOMPH.

Naturally, every weaker demon caught within the range is completely flattened and forced to wiggle on their bellies like worms. The larvae are in an even more pitiful state; barely able to move, let alone fight, all they can do is try to escape the range of my spell. For the new ones being spawned on the floor, it’s even worse, since they can’t even rise out of the stone properly.

I’d love to sympathise, but it’s kind of nice to be able to move around without having those little guys gnawing on my legs constantly. Which was my aim.

With the annoying things out of the way, I can get down to business! I draw out even more gravity mana and begin to compress and form gravity bolts. The most basic of all spell forms, the bolt is a simple ball of power that takes on the properties of the mana you use to form it. Normally, this spell will increase the force of gravity on any creature hit with it, or decrease it if I invert it. With the aid of the altar, though?

I pick out a target, a tier four demon rampaging nearby, just beyond the range of my domain. Looks pretty strong… let’s see how well it can stand up to the pressure.

turns out…

is still standing. Barely. Quivering in place, its whole body shaking under the strain, the demon is unable to defend itself and soon falls in combat

gravity bolt has been enhanced several times over as well. Normally, it wouldn’t work all that well against a monster as physically strong as that one, which is what led to me largely abandoning the spell

The good old gravity bola! A

experimented with the bola spell form all that much, it’s pretty niche, but the gravity bola does have

gravity bola doesn’t really impact a target, but rather anchors it to the spot by using the gravitational energy contained inside to pull

when I enhance it with the


least, not immediately, still flying through the air, jaws wide open. Then it appears to slam directly into a wall, in mid air. All momentum lost, the monster slingshots back to the spot in which the bola has anchored

[You have slain…]

[You have gained experience.]

Sorry, monster. I didn’t mean

don’t use that much energy, which is nice,

is giving the kick they need to overcome the stronger monsters down here, which means I can get the same effect I’m used to without having to pour in a much

So nice!

particular. With my newfound mastery of Gravitational Mana, I was finally able to select the specialisation Skill that gave me access to the gravitational mana construct, meaning I can convert ambient energy into gravitational energy whenever I want! Well… when I practise the construct, I’ll be able to

unlocked the fundamental and foundational gravity magic spell, giving me

call forth a tide of energy. With over a dozen mind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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