
Chapter 1125

As always, the list is excessively long. Like, does anyone want half of these options? Actually, most of them seem pretty good… but far too niche! The Altar has a greater effect empowering fire abilities. The Altar has a greater effect empowering ice abilities. The Altar has a greater effect empowering physical abilities….

On and on it goes.

I quickly identify the basic upgrades before I start flicking about to see if I can find something that might take my fancy. I mean, it’s hard to go wrong with improving the capacity of the Altar, and improving its efficiency converting Will into… whatever it converts it into.

Both upgrades give the Altar a lot more bang for the buck, so to speak. The capacity upgrade is almost mandatory, since I already have several abilities that drain the entire stock dry when I empower them. In fact, considering the sheer amount of energy the Vestibule funnels into me, I may not even need the efficiency upgrade. I could take capacity at +5 and +10, reinforce it at +15 and then see how I feel after that.

It may even prove necessary to repeat the process again from +20 to +30. More power stocked up will allow me to go ham with my most powerful spells and abilities. Against the three super demons, that may prove crucial. If I can’t throw out empowered wells and Void Chomps willy-nilly, then I’ll struggle to go toe to toe with them.

I continue to trawl through the many, many listings in case I find something I might consider interesting, and I do.

[Starborn Altar: Increases the effect when empowering gravity based abilities.]


That’s so tempting! That’s super tempting!

super good! The Gravity Bomb, the Gravity Well, the Gravity Domain, perhaps even the Void Chomp, would all

power now that I have it, further investment pays me back in all sorts of

Snap out of it, Anthony! You must select

reinforcing them at fifteen. Then feel myself

making an informed decision… there’s likely no chance I get to reforge the Altar, so these mutations are going

+20, +25 and

onto the Nave. I’m still not entirely clear on the function

it’s a bit obvious at this point, but the Vestibule, Nave and Altar are all parts of a church or cathedral. The Vestibule is where people

where people sit. Usually filled with rows of pews…

people show up for, I suppose. Its purpose is to give shape to the Will that is flowing through. I chose to dedicate

Nave, where

and generic, effectively purifying and concentrating the Will that passed through it. Without an Altar for that energy to flow to, it wasn’t easy to see the difference that made. All that happened was that the things that Will already did

But now, I wonder.

think I may have misunderstood its purpose all along. By constructing it, I made a place

things I’ve noticed ever since I reached tier six. Ants seem to know what I’m thinking sometimes. Or they know when I’m coming, even if I conceal my core. There are times I know things I shouldn’t, or they know

perhaps we did.

on, but I never did for the Nave…. Now I’m a little scared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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