
Chapter 1133

I mean… you want me to leave messages for EVERY caste now? Give me a break. What do I even have to say?! Really, this is my fault. The moment I did the first, every member of the council was going to come after me, asking me to leave a nugget of wisdom for their followers.

Listen well, hatchling, Don’t let your siblings hassle you into things you don’t want to do.

I mean, it’s hard for me to say no to Bella and Ellie. The Core Shapers are near and dear to my heart, because the pets that I raised became such dear friends and reliable allies. I can’t imagine what would have happened had I been forced to face the Dungeon by myself.

Treasure your pets. In fact, don't even think of them as pets. They aren’t disposable, they aren’t less than you are. They’re your sword and shield, just as you are theirs. Don't even think of them as friends and allies, but as members of the family.

- The Eldest’s message to the Core Shapers.

It’s not easy to read a giant floating, fiery eyeball, but I can tell that Al is intrigued. Mainly because my eyeballs feel like they’re boiling from the heat pouring off him.

[Answer a question for me, Al. Why the heck are you a burning eyeball if you’re a knowledge demon? I’m not trying to pry, but it doesn’t seem to line up. Shouldn’t you be some sort of flame demon or something?]

He radiates heat like a mini-sun, for goodness’ sake. What does flame have to do with knowledge?!

[I was a type of envy demon in the past, but took on the aspect of fire along with my desire for knowledge in my evolution to tier seven.]

[So you changed significantly in your last evolution?]


I guess that makes sense. I turn my attention to Invidia floating nearby, his eye fixated on Al. I wonder what he’ll turn into during his next evolution? Right now, he’s envious, of pretty much everything and everyone. How will that obsession change? Personally, I wouldn’t mind if he became a little less broadly focused. A bridge to cross when we come to it.

[Now then. Time to get down to business. You used to live a lot deeper in the stratum, and you’ve been collecting information for goodness knows how long. I figured if anyone knows anything about these long sleeping demons, then it was going to be you. Care to share what you know?]

floats for a little while,

demon of

he means the other

have to beat all three of them, any information you can

will be able to

why wouldn't I be able to do it again? And against three

that will be difficult. But I’ll

I will tell you, but there

Of course there is.

Hopefully, there won’t be

[What is… price gouging?]

of a

confront the Heralds, I want you to take me with you.

little unexpected, but the help will certainly be worth it.

don’t plan on allying with them, do

The flaming eye flashes.

help. That

You can tag along. Now spill the

[What are beans?]

[Concentrate, dammit!]

yes. I am sorry. Allow me to explain what

his thoughts, fire flickering

them to carry out his wishes amongst the demons. Creating

So that implies that these aren’t the first round of servants the big jerk has had running around,

Somonax were last awake five hundred years ago, which corresponds to Arconidem’s last period of activity. It was at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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