
Chapter 1135

“How are the demon traps holding?”


“Then reinforce them, dammit!”

“I can’t just poke them with an antenna and then they become stronger. I need time to design, materials to build with, ants to do the building. Those are huge construction projects, we can’t just ‘reinforce’ them!”

“Right, sorry.”

Sloan rubbed her antennae against her carapace, trying to calm herself down. The carver, Carpentant, also soothed herself as they took the temperature out of the argument.

Which wasn’t easy inside the third right now. With the mana thickening by the hour, the air only grew hotter and hotter, to the point it had grown oppressive. Ants didn’t mind a bit of heat, not at all, but they weren’t amazing at regulating their temperatures. If things got much worse, they’d need to distribute enchanted equipment to every member of the Colony in the stratum.

“Are the farms at least producing cores and Biomass? They’re working?”

“Oh, they’re working. Too well! There’s so many demons crammed inside that we’re getting double the amount of cores we expected. The workers in charge of maintaining and operating the farms are overwhelmed, but there aren’t enough of us to help them. We need more ants!”

“If you get the numbers you need, will that stop the farms from breaking?”

Carpentant thought for a long moment. It wasn’t a simple question, but the wrong answer could have grave implications. It was already a difficult proposition to contain the mess that the plains had become. If the monsters within the farms broke out….

“If you give me what I’m asking for, plus another ten percent, we’ll have enough to properly run the farms and look to reinforce the structure.”

almost collapsed as pain

of ants,” she managed to squeeze out. “Everyone is desperately short

Carpentant shrugged.

to distribute resources, not me. If you tell me no, I’ll go back and make the best of it, but I think we both know what

the plains and costing the ants an

ants you need,” she promised, “but they’re likely to be fresh

do,” Carpentant grumbled. “Feel sorry for them being thrown

either, but I’ll

froze before she

“That’s appreciated.”

went back to her planning documents, scratching out a few lines of scent and replacing

when planning to

away using the new ‘scent pen’, she completed her new distribution plan

she muttered

despite the need for varying sizes. They didn’t really need

up and down and wheel around her smithy. She claimed it freed up more legs to work with, which was another aspect to the rate of chair

into the nest, requesting medical treatment, or supplies, or any number of

line and began to race along the paths, keeping pace with the ants on

innovation had been to divide the wider passages within the Colony into ‘lanes’, each with its own designated speed. This particular passage was six lanes wide, three in either direction, with another six on the roof, split the same way, and she was barely able

All for efficiency.

The area at this exit was a staging ground and ants bustled all over the surface of the nest. Within the grand fortress, there were well over a hundred thousand of her siblings at present, every one of them dedicated

as she saw Sloan heading to

to the front?” she asked, snapping a one antenna

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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