
Chapter 1140

Look, I don’t know what they expect me to say. You’d think I’d get better at this, since I’ve left messages for a few of the other castes, but it really isn’t the case.

You’re Soldiers. You Soldier. You get it, I get it, we all get it. In many ways, this was the easiest of all of the evolutions I designed for our species, all you had to do was get bigger and chunkier. All of the stuff I found useful for fighting up close, I made sure you would also get. Inner-carapace plating, healing gland, mutable muscles, all that good stuff.

I suppose if I had to say something, it would be this: Remember Grant. She was one of the first ants I ever trained myself, a member of the Council, and she died heroically to protect me from Garralosh.

Without her sacrifice, I would not have survived that battle, and all I did for the Colony after would never have occurred. I still wonder if it was worth it. A noble, intelligent and selfless ant like Grant, what would she have been able to achieve, had she lived?

In many ways, she epitomises what it means to be a Soldier for the Colony. You are the biggest, the strongest, the toughest. It’s your role to put yourself in harm's way so that others don’t have to. Where the fight is thickest, where the hunt is most intense, that is where you are to go.

I only ask that you make sure you come back.

It isn’t always possible, I know that, and it breaks my heart… but do your best.

And forget Leeroy. She was born stupid and not much has changed.

- Message from the Eldest to the Soldier caste.

for the tier eight demons, Torrifex and sisters, continues

in an ocean as we wander around, surrounded by an ocean of demon larvae who scratch and tear at each other in a neverending melee. Of course, higher ranked demons appear constantly, popping out from the waves of weaker monsters, seeking each other out or throwing

It’s exhausting.

gather an unstoppable momentum. The more they group up, the faster they run into more recruits, so the horde

find them, no matter how large or how small, but none of them are hiding our targets, and despite

glands never run out of energy, and I heal superficial damage to

and even Crinis loses a lot of shadow flesh during each conflict. The two of them need time and Biomass to recover, one of which is fairly

my gravity domain, they’re relatively safe, but even then, strong enough demons can

my thick head just why the waves are so terrifying, especially on the third. Without the Vestibule, I’d

And I’m super strong!

stumps and get out of town. Leave the disaster zone and come back once the mess has died down. Not the Colony, though!

sensed anything like a tier eight core, and

flaming eye glares at me. Well, he looks at me. Al, due to his nature as an eye on fire basically

they may have retreated deeper still. It’s possible Torrifex is

No way he figured out my Altar combo that

big moron seemed happy enough to come at

I have, and I don’t intend to. Being as smart as he is, with the knowledge that he has, he probably has

have said, he was compelled to fight you by Arconidem, a test, perhaps. Torrifex is a loyal servant of the Demon God, but he has no wish to die.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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