
Chapter 1142

Given the nature of the ants as a social insect, one with a particular obsession toward the care and rearing of their young, it may be understandable, even expected, that they would focus so intently on education. However, the depth and complexity of their methods is astounding, no matter how one thinks about it.

Even among monsters, not all are born with the same interests and passions, and this is especially true for those above a certain threshold of intelligence. The Colony were quick to realise this fact and naturally sought to implement measures that would not only accommodate, but maximise the potential of this difference.

Thus was born the concept of ‘differentiation’. Certain ants excel at one task, whereas others are lacking in this area. The Colony quickly identifies these gaps and moves to specialise their curriculum from the earliest moment possible.

Using this method, the ants are able to find the most suited path for an individual and guide them along it within days of that hatchling emerging from its cocoon.

- Excerpt from ‘Antucation: Teaching and Learning, Pedagogy among the ant’ by Karliet Magron.

“Congratulations, hatchlings!” Poppant praised them, her antennae wiggling with joy.

The twenty young members of the Colony preened under her attention, basking in the approval of the Tender who had cared for them since they were eggs.

“That was quite an achievement, I am extremely impressed with all of you. A new Antcademy record for a third day clear! Of course, there are things we can improve on and each of you will need to write a four page report on what you can do better next time when we get back.”

The hatchlings cheered.

“Now off we go!”

With that cheerful declaration, Poppant began to march back to the Colony, her pheromones wafting happily behind her as the twenty tired, but excited ants marched in their wake.

Well, nineteen of them were tired but excited.

One of them was frustrated and disappointed.

been sloppy. It may have been a record setting pace for the third day of training, but Solant was far

burned in her like acid in

eyes of the Eldest, carved into the ceiling above. The statue had been updated recently to ensure it depicted the oldest and greatest member of the Colony in all of their current glory, colossal in size and

away from those

Colony perform to as high a standard as they did, at least, that’s what the Tenders had told her. She knew that so far, her broodmates had utterly failed to meet that standard. It couldn’t

key moments of the fighting, and inspected each of their written essays (Solant produced twenty pages of dense pheromone lines for hers), she left to allow the

could settle in for torpor, Solant stepped

aren’t performing well enough,” she

the centre of

asked. “Didn’t we just get a record? I thought that meant we were

hard,” another piped

teacher is proud of

those words away with a swipe of her

things we did wrong?! Didn’t Poppant just demonstrate a long list of mistakes that we need to improve

clacked her mandibles in

and many of those were either late


lose the timing when we change formation…” another

tripped over my legs when dashing…

“I noticed.”


current rate of improvement isn’t enough. Even if we turn around and set

you suggesting… we… skip…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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