
Chapter 1144

All in all, there is much we can learn from the Colony’s approach to training and teaching their members. I’m aware that many dismiss the studies and examination of the ant’s methods as inapplicable to any other, non-monstrous race, but that simply isn’t the case.

Because the ants don’t only teach themselves, they welcome and teach their allies also.

The ant-riders, the devastating cavalry unit formed of human, golgari, folk and even one example of a brathian rider and ant ‘mount’, are a perfect example. Interviewing those who chose to become members of this respected and renowned brigade, it quickly became apparent the respect and admiration they had for their ant tutors. Many spoke of the harsh and unforgiving nature of the training that demanded the riders meet the same standards as their chosen ant allies, but reported how effective and motivating the monsters were.

The training is almost universally seen to result in a rapid development of Skills and abilities related to the unique Class. That would be enough for most, but trainees are not permitted to leave the Antcademies until they have met the truly exacting standards of the Colony.

My greatest frustration is that all members of the brigade that have been spoken to refuse to detail the exact methods used in their training. Perhaps some secret techniques are utilised and the Colony refuses to spread their knowledge?

Regardless, the existence of this successful program speaks volumes to the efficacy of the ant methodology.

- Excerpt from ‘Antucation: Teaching and Learning, Pedagogy among the ant’ by Karliet Magron.


Solant did her best to ignore the humans going wild around them. It had been vaguely explained to her what they were here for. Entertainment of some sort? Apparently, this training exercise was popular to watch even amongst the Colony deeper in the Dungeon, which surprised her somewhat. As she understood it, this drill was an excellent test of cooperation and strategy, something her broodmates excelled in.

since they were currently weaker than

her allies as the chaos across the

hard as they could. Currently, her team had possession of the ball, and so far, they hadn’t failed to run it to the other side a single time, but their opponents were catching on to their tricks and grinding

was forced to get

she called from her position perched on the stone ball and watched as

had recently named herself, feinted left, then right, before attempting a shoulder charge against the juvenile scout

well trained dash Skill, thoughtful leg mutations and agility, combined with Solant’s formations, and manoeuvres that maximised those strengths, Pharlant had been their main scorer in this game. Now, she was tightly followed by at least one

the last minute. Straining too hard, the hatchling went down in a brutal fashion, legs

Reinforce the centre and we’ll push down the right

acting with complete trust in her instructions. Their faith warmed her heart, but her mind remained razor focused on

the middle of their line, Sumant was the rock that anchored


more quiet, there had to be a thousand of them up there. She was

hyper-focused on the field of play. There was

see the opponents were beginning to sense victory. With their larger bodies, they were starting to grind down the centre, pressing Sumant back step by step.

leapt at the first break in the line, desperate to prevent their tenth straight loss. It was subtle, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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