
Chapter 1151

I skitter out of the way just before the ball of roiling flames detonates in a furious roar, scorching me on the back-zone rather badly. Despite sensing it coming, and despite using my empowered dash to basically teleport a hundred metres, I still got burned. That was one big kaboom.

Using the dextrous aim of my nozzle, I keep firing acid at Pyrixan to keep the pressure on her as I size up against Torrifex who looks like he’s positively boiling beneath his skin.

A steady stream of heavy-duty stone spears still zips through the air toward him, but he’s countered by enacting some variety of fire domain. As the spears draw closer to him, they twist, melt and warp, deflecting them from their path. He does occasionally get splattered with molten rock, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Might need to rethink the stone strategy.

[Your life ends here, little worm!]

[You really need to learn the difference between invertebrates. Especially when you stand in the presence of the strongest kind there is!]

No matter how you slice the pie, ants are the king, or more appropriately, queen of the insect kingdom. Other bugs, to ants, are just food. After all this time running around on the third and seeing the demons swarming as they have, they are seriously starting to feel like bugs to me.

Torrifex rushes towards me, his huge frame displacing so much air his appearance warps, four savagely clawed arms cutting down at once.

Four separate sets of slashes formed by his Skill slice through the air towards me. At the point they meet, I can feel an indomitable might, as if the power from all four slashes has been concentrated directly at that point.

Luckily, my antennae are on the job and I had an inkling this was coming a moment before it did.

impossible speed and I’m moving the second the big demon’s arms are moving forward, dodging to the right. As the

be mindful of my resources. Everytime I get a good angle, I unleash a fresh blast of acid at Pyrixan, but she continues to sit still and pump out ash like a Victorian factory. Can we get some air quality controls in here?!

see, she can manipulate

devote the time I need to prevent her manufacturing process because I’ve got Torrifex,

as much water mana as I can before I unleash a torrential jet of water at the huge demon. The second it touches his fire domain, the water

enough, vast clouds of steam are billowing out everywhere,

either, for the moment at

peeled back for another chomp.


the chomp is once again ridiculously overpowered, but my stock of altar juice is really starting to run low.

matter. If I unleash all of my altar power, I refuse to believe it won’t have an

put down roots. She glares at me with her many eyes, but I’m resistant to her ire. What I’m not resistant to is the aura of destruction that emanates from her. Even without

my body is composed of seriously dense materials. It’s going to take you a while to

I can tell she felt it that time. Without the same coverage from her cloud,

as the almighty void chomp is unleashed, and

bit is going to hurt

a look of pure rage twisting his face. Although, it has to be said, he looks

of course, but I had to commit to putting the hurt on Pyrixan while I had an opening. Looks like I’m going to have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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