
Chapter 1164

It was often stated by Jordant that her greatest regret was not being able to play against the Eldest. She was there when they played their one and only game, and could only say the match was… indescribable.

- Excerpt from ‘History of the Greatest’ by Commentant.

[Hello Peter, it’s nice to see you again for another live recording of this history-making match.]

“Commentant. Wonderful to be with you, as always, and I must say I can’t begin to describe the excitement here in the Stadium as these two teams make their final preparations.

“It’s a full house here, as you might expect, and to you, the listener at home, just listen to the rumbling and clacking of this crowd. I can barely hear myself speak and the match hasn’t even started yet.”

[Interesting you say ‘these teams’, when in fact, we only have one team here today. The Endless, undefeated, of course, have fielded a mage-heavy lineup, hoping to counteract the superior mana control of their singular opponent. The Eldest, of course, is totally by themself! The strongest, most highly evolved, and the first of the formica sapiens, the Eldest holds a special place in the Colony, and I dare say most of my siblings are here today in support of their senior.]

“It’s a fascinating arrangement. This could be the only time in history that this Stadium sees a one-ant team take to the pitch. Tunnel Ball, as we all know, is a game of skills, strategy, cooperation and teamwork, but how could you put anyone on the same team as the… uh… Great One… as some humans refer to them?

“As large and powerful as they are, I’m not sure anyone else would fit on their end!”

[And who could keep up with them? As a tier seven monster, the Eldest is overwhelmingly stronger than any other ant in the Colony. The Endless, as we know, are all tier four. Such a massive disparity means that even ten against one, the odds are against them. We’ll need to see some strategic brilliance from them if they hope to succeed.]

“It looks… yes, it looks like we are just about to begin. The Great One is starting on offence, and I’m telling you, folks, the ball looks absolutely tiny in those gigantic mandibles.”

[The Endless are taking an aggressive formation on defence. High up the pitch. Looking at their double soldier frontline, I can’t help but feel sorry for them. The Eldest towers over the pair of them, making them look like hatchlings.]

“The Great One has taken position. Ready to start their attack!”



scenes here at the stadium! The Eldest has immediately shattered the ball in their mandibles, right in the

opportunity against the Endless and here we have the Great One making a bold statement, right from the beginning of the match. ‘I don’t even need all of my turns on offence against you’. The Great One stares down the smaller ants before turning back to their own

of how daring a statement that was. The crowd here is still going wild, and no

it’s the Endless who are playing mind games with their opponents, but now the script has

looks like a variation of the spear. Soldiers up front, with deep flanks to protect the ball

likely. They don’t want to expose the ball early and lose their

thought they’d play wide and try to utilise their advantage in numbers. The Eldest is large and powerful, but can’t

flip to all-out offence in the blink of an

set. And here we

hasn’t so much as twitched a muscle and it is DEAD SILENT here in the Stadium. The tension is as thick as a Brood Tender’s affection, ladies and gentlemen. The Endless approach the midpoint, and still, the Eldest

“Sudden moves!”


but they did! Absolute magic! One ball flipped to the left, one to the right as the

Eldest to cover the whole field




swear I didn’t see it. One second, they were standing in defence, the next, they had bowled over Washingtant on

Endless have confirmed that was the correct ball and are returning to

ever seen, and I was there when the Blitz invented their patented Ant Rush.

Nobody in the crowd knows

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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