
Chapter 1166

Gweheheh, with the ball reinforced like this, I won’t break the damn thing in my mandibles. If I’m not sabotaging myself, I really wonder how my little opponents can possibly hope to handle me?

With the ball gripped firmly (but not too firmly!) in my mandibles, I begin to stride forward. The Endless are arrayed before me and I can already feel them trying to attack the ball and break it down from within the shell I’ve constructed for it.

No chance!

I dedicate a group of mind constructs to maintaining the ball and prepare to finish this attack in the least possible time. With the Call yanking at me, I don’t want to be up here any longer than I need to be, even if my adoring public is enjoying seeing me go to work as much as they are.


“They’re coming,” Washingtant said, intently watching the Eldest’s movements.

“Let’s see what they have in store for us,” Solant replied. “Continue the magic attack, we need to be testing the Eldest’s resources, even if it seems like we aren’t getting anywhere. The more we learn about our opponent, the stronger we become.”

Up front, the two soldiers, Sumant and Taylant, grit their mandibles and dug in their claws.

After the first hit they’d received from the Eldest, they weren’t optimistic about their ability to take any more. The difference in size and power was plain for anyone to see.

Thankfully, Solant had developed a strategy that didn’t rely on them to hold their gigantic sibling back.


“Ball gripped tight, the Great One is lowering their stance.”

get a better look at that insane dash speed we saw earlier!



it is! Once again, I simply cannot describe what is happening on the pitch!

now a cloud of dust and stone has filled the pit! There's destruction and chaos down there! What has the Eldest done, the defensive end of the

carnage. The Endless are fine, if a little confused, I want to assure the listeners of that, but the stone wall of the pit behind them is a shattered ruin. The Eldest can’t be seen at

and… yes! The Eldest stands tall! Shouldering aside the boulders as if they weren’t even there, the Eldest stands tall and defiant! A charge so

moved to one side of the pitch, getting out of the way as officials descend to reconstruct the pit. We’ve often seen damage to the pit

their mandibles as they proudly march back toward their own end. What a

we see them shatter the touchline, which obviously means no points are scored. I almost feel as if the Eldest is telling them ‘your rules can’t constrain me. Look

obviously could. Will this be successful in rattling the mental solidarity of the Endless? They’re an indomitable team, but they’ve never been on the pitch with


if I can block a charge I can’t even see,” Sumant said

hope of us being able to pin down the Eldest anyway,”

Washingtant wondered, “is when the Eldest is going to start to score, because it seems like we

Solant corrected her. “We still have cards to play. Besides, our best hope in this game was always going to be finding a way to score. Let’s


spot a path through them so I didn’t end up hurting anyone, but those little


a look




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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