
Chapter 1172

Gweheheh. Feeling a little heavy over there? Is your guilty conscience weighing you down?

Or is it the weight of the gravity well I’ve snuck underneath the stadium yoinking you down to the ground?!


It’s not as if I even need to do it. I could turn their entire half of the pitch to muck and bury them in it, or wash them away with a solid wave of water without having to bind the Endless to the ground, but I’m doing it anyway.

They dare to try and poison the great me?! I have no choice but to exact terrible vengeance!

At the same time, I also want to get this match over with. The Call is ridiculously painful and I’m desperate to leave this stratum and get deeper into the Dungeon as soon as possible.

At this rate, I might end up calling Brilliant to warp me out of the Stadium in front of the whole crowd the moment the match is done. I’m struggling over here!

I’ve got three more turns of offence, which I’ll obviously skip. I’ve scored a point already, all I need to do is prevent those hatchlings from scoring one and I win anyway.

Let’s get this over with!

When everything is set for the next round, I smash the ball immediately, and then smash my mandibles together in another display of primal intimidation. The crowd loves it, so I give them a little sugar, waving my antennae toward the seats and ensuring every corner of the stadium gets a look at my best profile angles.

Time to humble some hatchlings again.


we’re being pulled down into the ground when the rounds start?” Washingtant asked. “I can

pitch. “Doubtless they are using a type of mana that is banned, something advanced that is creating

I’m not even sure they have to,” Leonidant muttered. “The Eldest is much stronger than

final offensive round before we do. If

be a win,” Leonidant pointed

clacked her

shows some powerful effects soon, I believe it


offensive possession, but the Great One has been giving them no room to move, no room to breathe in these last

so far, the Endless just don’t seem to have an

the flow of the match. Another new look from them, very wide but rather thin, with

planning to do, we’ve seen different mana types from them round to round and this could be

wall of fire! Look at the

can’t believe how fast that was, and it’s within

shielding, and I’m telling you listeners at home, I can feel the sweat building on my forehead as I speak. What’s the reply from the Endless? Once again, they’ve been slow to get off the mark, very

think, no, it isn’t going to work! The Eldest is pumping so much mana into that fire the stone and dirt is becoming red hot the moment they draw too close. If they can’t quell the flames, they won’t have any hope

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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