
Chapter 1176

I’m not a huge fan of my insides turning into my outsides, or having my carapace replaced with candy floss, or indeed, of being flattened/expanded into less/more dimensions than I’m comfortable with.

Having said that, the moment when Brilliant drops me into the fourth stratum makes it more than worthwhile. Instantly, I feel a wave of relief wash over me as both my gasping core relaxes, and the insatiable gnawing of the Call fades away.

It’s still there, obviously, but no longer is it the maddening, mind-bendingly painful yanking on my soul, merely a comfy nail through the foot.

Nothing I can’t handle!

“Thanks, Brilliant,” I sigh in relief, “I appreciate the trip.”

“Are you feeling well, Eldest?” the little maniac says, prodding me in the side. “This is unlike you.”

“Pah. Don’t you have something you should be blowing up? Shoo.”

“Why yes! I do! If you find yourself in need of my services again, don’t hesitate to call my name! BRILLIANT!”

With a pop, she vanishes from sight and I allow myself to slump to the floor in relief.


It doesn’t last long, though.



From nowhere, an enormous blob of shadow flies from the crevices in the ceiling above me and latches onto my carapace. Crinis wastes no time expanding herself to wrap around my abdomen, poking and prodding as she goes.

[I’m fine. I’m fine. Nice to see you, Crinis. Stop poking! I haven’t been gone that long. I didn’t even do anything dangerous!]

[Then why did you leave us behind? We could have come too!]

[It’s not that easy for Brilliant to haul powerful monsters around. I thought it was better if you three waited for me down here. Did Tiny and Invidia make it alright?]

sniffs. [The Mother Tree didn’t really want to move us, but she’s

when I get a chance. In the meantime, stop poking me and

[Who is Solant?]

She’s an

[She WHAT?!]

to snap my antennae! Let

this FILTH that dared to harm

She tried to poison me

[... fine.]

things to do, then I’ll chase down the other two

I turn my attention to the twenty ants before me. They look a little overwhelmed at the dramatic increase in mana concentration compared to where they

with that restless, analytical mind of hers. I can practically hear the

I suppose some congratulations are in

“Congratulations?” Solant asks.

from the Antcademy.

up. “Does that mean

the Colony’s most prestigious and exclusive postgraduate program. You get to learn directly



Eldest? Now, Solant, let’s have a quick chat. The rest

was kind enough to deposit us inside the chamber I evolved in. Spacious, and, it appears, quite abandoned for the moment, we are very much alone

smashing defeat I

She glares at me.


high hopes for you, Solant. I see some qualities in you that are… rare, to say the least, in the Colony. You’re going to become a very

by me. She’s been taught and reared like every other ant, with the love and care of the

don’t really understand what

going to take an even more unusual approach, the direct

aware what


already formed core in some instances. But

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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