
Chapter 1185

The Eldest had laid down the challenge and Solant could feel the pressure immediately. Someone like her, not even a full graduate of the Antcademy, was to be put in charge of a battlefield during a wave. Only the authority of the Eldest made something like this possible, the defenders of the nest put their faith in their strongest member and trusted that Solant would not fail them.

The pressure was immense.

Clearly, the Eldest intended to put her and her broodmates directly into the fire, the only place the strongest steel could be forged. The weight of responsibility settled on her carapace immediately, a crushing weight that threatened to drive even the mana from her core.

She welcomed it. More than that, she relished it.

“I am grateful to the Eldest,” she told her precious sisters as they gathered in their chamber after torpor. “Either we are right in what we do and how we do it, or we are wrong. If we are wrong, let us fail now, before too much damage can be done. If we are right, then let us succeed, and lead the family to victory.”

The others listened solemnly, fully aware of what was riding on their performance in battle that day.

“We’re with you,” Leonidant assured her. “All the way.”

“Of course. There’s no such thing as a general, unless there is an army.”

Two parts of a single whole.

When they emerged from the chamber, they found the Eldest and the three guardians waiting for them.

big day?” the Eldest asked, looming over them without

course,” Solant confirmed, no hint of

You’re in charge, lead

forward and marched to the centre of the enormous staging chamber, in which the gathered generals administered the never ending defensive

were returning to rest, others shifting from one field of engagement to another. The priorities under the nest changed from minute to minute, depending on what dreadful creatures

still in attendance. With their unmatched speed, they could leap from

tunnel for the next twelve hours,” Solant announced to the

general shouted, then noticed the Eldest looming in the back. “Oh. Fine. Go quickly and don’t

worry. We will achieve

led her procession to the tunnel scent-marked as A3. She had led the troops in this segment before and


command of the tunnel for the next twelve hours,” she announced to

ant sized her up in an

is happening in two hours. I’ll inform

antennae which

the three guardians

is here for you, she reminded herself, if they don’t think it’s a waste

Solant took the time to speak to all of the troops waiting for their turn on the frontline. She needed to check in with the healers, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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