
Chapter 1188

I watched the battle unfold with a keen interest, using all of the senses at my disposal to follow the goings on. As large as I am, it wasn’t really practical for me to shove myself forward and block up the tunnel, I’d destroy the formation I was trying to inspect!

So I fall back on my more esoteric options, such as the Vestibule.

Despite what Solant may think, tracking one ant’s flow of Will through the glittering organ isn’t nearly the same as mind reading. It’s not even like I'm following the path of their thoughts. More like… I’m getting a stream-of-consciousness flow of their wants and goals. It’s Will, after all, not thoughts.

This is why it can be so difficult for me to separate myself from the Will of the Colony at times. When a hundred thousand or more individuals all want the same thing, all willing for it to occur, that becomes a very difficult impulse for me to resist!

At any rate, the battle is travelling extremely smoothly, which pleases me. What Solant needs to grow and develop as a Champion is very different than what the last two needed.

As a general, there’s only one way for her to improve, and that's to be out and about generalling! And she needs to be in charge of her own battles, because putting her under the regular generals will just stifle her creativity!

The troops continue to rotate every four hours, including the little general’s broodmates, coming in and out of the front with the rest of the troops, but Solant remains at the coalface, working her little thorax off until the very last minute.

When the full twelve hour shift is done, she comes back along with the last set of troops, exhausted, but clearly pleased with herself.

“You look happy. It all went well then?” I ask.

She considers seriously before replying, as is her habit.

with more time to work with the troops,

wouldn’t worry about that too much,”

Champion, there’s no doubt this lot will be all too happy to join the eventual army that will form around Solant. She’ll have all

for that matter. You’ve got to continue to develop your Skills and ideas, and the only way I know to make you do that is to shove you into battles over and over again. Don’t worry, though, I’ll be hanging around the whole time, so things can’t go

more rest and

rest,” I continue, “you must be exhausted after twelve hours of directing

at me like

almost unlimited number of things to do before tomorrow. What about the review? Or the brainstorm discussion? Five items of improvement? We need


But… rest?

for it. I’ll be over here

to gather her faithful and loyal nineteen broodmates together for an intense session of antennae thwapping and waggling. After thirty minutes of this, they rush off to

It looks… tiring.

the heck is she

to keep training with the troops until her time runs out. Before the shadows can begin to materialise,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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