
Chapter 1190

“Engineer Griner?” Titus rumbled.

“That’d be me. You must be the commander?” the burly, sleeveless man said as he turned from the enormous armoured suit he’d been working on.

Titus rolled his shoulders.

“Just about everyone down here is a commander, or higher,” he noted wryly, “so why would I be, ‘the commander’?”

Griner shrugged.

“I don’t make the rules. Turns out when you command successfully down here and up there, people take notice.”

Some in the Legion thought that the soldiers stationed in the deep looked down on those fighting high in the Dungeon, but that was far from the truth. Legionaries in these depths relied on the plentiful mana, powerful techniques and equipment it enabled to fight. In the first stratum, they would be helpless.

“‘Titus’ is fine, Engineer Griner. Now, I’m told you’re the man who’s been taking care of the old girl. How is she?”

The two turned and looked up at the intimidating suit of Praetorian armour looming over them. At eight metres tall, the suit wasn’t close to the largest the Legion could field, but the added bulk of thick armour certainly meant it was on the heavier side. Without a weapon or shield, the suit looked… undressed, but still presented an intimidating visage. Brought across the chest, with thick pauldrons at the shoulders and the Legionem Abyssi emblem engraved on the front. The decorative touches around the edges of the plates imbued it with a tangible sense of gravitas.

“I won’t say she’s as good as new. I’ve given it the once over, and, mechanically, she’s as sound as can be.”

“What about the mana circuits?”

as well. She’s been through a lot over the years, been assigned to two others after you left. Didn’t do nearly as well, but serviceable enough.

she’s functional?

to do better than

nodded gratefully, reaching out a hand to

It had been his Praetorian suit for almost ten years. Seeing it now was… hard to describe, like an old friend, or pet, that he’d never really

Can you help get it ready? I want to try

“Sure thing, Commander.”

the misfortune to take over his last command was having more luck with the

alone in the armoury. Unsurprising, given so many of the bays were empty at the moment. Clearly, Minerva had been in luck and there was a fight going on somewhere. Of the twenty open bays

overhead, gleaming off the polished metal of Indomitable as Titus moved to the back and began to climb up the suit. He definitely had a few more twinges in his shoulders than the last time he’d done this, but it didn’t overly matter. In

head rose up, creating a gap for him

I’ll hook up the

“Thanks,” Titus acknowledged.

slipped inside the enormous metal suit, closing the opening behind him. When the metal clanged shut, followed by the audible click

didn’t matter. He’d spent so long inside this suit, he could

thick fingers around them. He settled his feet, pressing them into the paddles below, feeling them mould to the

melded his consciousness with the armour. He tsked. Whoever was in the suit last had been a touch shorter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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