
Chapter 1198

“We’re under attack!” Victor roared!

The generals looked confused. They were fighting a wave… of course they were under attack!

“Not like that!” she groused. “There’s trouble inside the fortress!”

Messengers had gone missing. Reports weren’t coming back. Entire hospitals had gone dark. Several shifts hadn’t reported to the front over the last hour. It all pointed to one thing.

“There’s an enemy inside the nest,” Victor declared, a grim light gleaming in her eyes. “We need to rally the troops and find out what’s going on. If we can reach the Eldest and bring them into the battle, then there’s no opponent we can’t beat.”

The hundreds of ants clustered around her in the command post appeared shaken, but determined. How the fortress could have been infiltrated without the Colony knowing, it was almost unthinkable. Through the layers of fortified walls, the enchantments, the endless patrols, the hundreds and thousands of ants, the mages on constant alert!

But that didn’t matter now. No matter how’d they’d gotten in, if Victor said they were under attack, then they were.

“Quickly, to me!” she ordered.

The ants rallied bravely and rushed from the chamber, forming into ranks as naturally as breathing.

“Send runners to the walls, let them know what’s happening. They need to hold at all costs!”

Several scouts dashed away.

In the corridors, they found Advant, leading a charge of her own.

“Sister, what’s going on?” demanded the big soldier. “There’s something very wrong inside the nest!”

replied grimly, her mandibles grinding together. “Come with me, we need to


they reported. “The three of them

here. If the guardians can give us some breathing room, we can right the situation inside the nest and then

take these ants and go

“Sounds good.”

the ranks organised

moment that passed felt like a lifetime, but she knew Advant was capable, more than capable, of dealing with whatever she found. Soon, the troops from the walls began to trickle in. A few hundred at first, but then in their thousands. Weary, injured, and

no small task, but it

is too injured to fight into the central planning chamber and establish an emergency hospital there. I want an assessment checkpoint set

shockingly short amount of time, she had divided the fighting fit ants into four columns and

rebirth as Formica Sapiens, to construct

too risky, and had instead broken it into segments. Although

of as much of the central shaft as possible was the first priority on Victor’s plan of

her troops from the front and straight down into the

in the air, they’d

down, now it was deserted. Victor saw nothing but a blank tunnel

whoever had done this,

reached it, Victor knew immediately that something was very wrong. Instead

Inside was simply… darkness.

void rippled and shifted, occasionally sending wisps or tendrils into the air that curled in on themselves before they dissipated like smoke, or fell back down to merge with the shadows below. It was almost as if

of the second

Victor was hesitant. The Eldest was further down, and if she could connect with the troops

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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