
Chapter 1201

“What’s going on?” Jern asked, confused.

“Something’s happening in town, I’ve no idea what, though. People just started running!”

That did indeed seem to be the case. Wherever Jern looked, people were poking their heads out of their houses and wandering toward the centre of town, or jogging down the streets after coming from the fields.

“Come quickly!” he heard a voice calling from somewhere closer to the square. “There’s big news to hear! Come to the cathedral!”

“To the cathedral?” Jern asked, confused. “What’s going on over there?”

His friend, Alis, stared at him as if he were being stupid.

“If you want to find out, then we need to go to the cathedral, right?”

“Good point.”

Feeling slightly foolish, he put down his shovel and scratched at his cheek awkwardly.

“Soooo, you want to come with?”

Alis shook her head, sending her blazing red hair swaying down her back.

“Of course I want to find out, I’m only standing around here because I’m waiting for you! Hurry up!”

“Oh,” Jern chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment as he stepped out of the stables and into the street, being careful to avoid running into anyone. “I’m ready, let’s go.”

The two joined the flowing crowd of people as they made their way toward the largest building in Renewal. The cathedral towered over the burgeoning city; its tall, lavish spires and elaborate carved ants were an awe-inspiring sight, one that Jern frequently found himself gazing at, lost in the endlessly complex lines of the stone. In front of the cathedral, filling the town square, the crowd was abuzz with energy, murmuring and calling to one another, a hundred different conversations fusing into one, persistent roar.

“I feel like everyone in town is here,” Jern mumbled, uncomfortable.

He didn’t like being in crowds.

“Can you see what’s happening in front of the cathedral?” Alis demanded.

“Uhhh, yes? Can’t you?”

and kicked him in

not a giant, like

not to point out that, even when she wasn’t comparing

gathering of priests over there. I think

friend made a frustrated noise before she started poking him in the

up,” she demanded, “I

Jern looked around uncomfortably.

don’t mind,” he said, “but we need to move to the side. I don’t want to block

“Ugh. Fine.”

edge of the crowd. Once he was confident they wouldn’t

“Are you steady?”

I am.

through his hair as she peered intently in

mages here,” she observed, “and soldiers. That’s unusual. There’s even a few generals and carvers! Why on Pangera would the Colony send


Alis rolled her eyes.

that one, you see the different orientation of

“Yes?” he replied doubtfully.

they always seem the most curious, and they move around the most. If they’re connected to a human

really know a lot about

rapped him on the

about the ants? They’re our saviours! Most

you say so,” he said, idly

and worked in Renewal just like the rest of them. Except they had more legs. He knew about the nests and that there was Dungeon stuff and all that, lower down, but he’d never needed to worry about that. He

said, leaning forward on his shoulder,

right hand up, just in case she fell, as he tried to spot what she’d seen. There was a lot of movement amongst

of Renewal. And I apologise humbly for interrupting your day, but this news could not wait for the holy day,

nodded to himself. He recognised the

Alis hissed, rapping him on the

so good at talking in public his words felt like they flew into your ears

through the crowd like

a good speech from Beyn. They were


the crowd, and even Alis was bouncing up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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