
Chapter 1210

To be honest, I find the thought of my three pets evolving more exciting than my own prospect of evolution. I can’t wait to see how the three of them turn out. Especially Invidia. The demons are super weird in the way that they evolve, and the little dude has been stuck at tier six for a heck of a long time. His Skills have come along really nicely, since he grinds a heck of a lot more than Tiny, and more than Crinis even.

His mastery of mind magic in particular is stunning. It’ll be interesting to see if mind magic turns into anything else as it goes up in rank.

I’ll need to settle down and look at my own Skills and mutations soon as well. I’ve got some big decisions to make, especially in regards to my Nave. Things are going funky in the cathedral, and I need to try and work out a more clear direction. Not to mention the more powerful mutations I’ve been offered at +35. I’m keen to see what sort of effects I can get on some of my other organs.

I’ll have myself fully maxed on mutations way before I even need to think about my next evolution, which will be nice. Geez, my next evolution, heading to tier eight… I have no idea what sort of insane options I’m going to be offered at this point. In fact, I won’t have an option to continue my current, multi-part evolution. I might be offered something that finally takes me off the paragon path.

“Eldest, Eldest!” One of the scouts rushes up to me and I see it’s Wills.

“What is it?” I ask as she runs over.

“There’s something going on up top. They want you up there!”

“Eh? What do you mean ‘something’? There isn’t any more information than that?”

“I’m not sure. There was some weird activity down on the shoreline that the scouts found suspicious.”

“Suspicious? More suspicious than the endless swarm of sea monsters sprinting on their fins at our walls?”

“Different,” the scout snaps back, frustrated. “Something different than a horde of sea beasts sprinting at our walls. I’m not sure exactly what it was, but it was deemed worrying enough that we decided to send a runner to get you.”

“And you came yourself because?”

the fastest scout in the

enough, let’s go

still constant up here, and the din of battle shakes my antennae as the ant defenders

“Down there!”

I look.

I pause.

I look again.

“That is weird.”


really big one, Standing tall on a long pole formed of some sort of glimmering blue stone and rising out of a frothing, bubbling patch of

I understand why


someone is playing a joke, or they’re trying to

I don’t think anyone is going to stick their neck out during a wave just

Do we put together an

not need this right now. Who is reaching out during the middle of a wave? They’ve got a lot of confidence, or they’re just

contingent, but there aren’t any down here on the fourth stratum at present, why would there be? All we’ve been doing is fighting and building. We don’t need anyone to smooth talk


I’m in the best position to represent the Colony to… whoever

bridge, but would they welcome being connected to a monster in this way? There’s a lot of questions, but I can already tell that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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