
Chapter 1229

Hello dear readers! It’s been some time, but it is I, Travelling Tolly, at your service to bring you my tumultuous tales from the lands of the Colony!

As we all know, the third stratum isn’t the most welcoming to tourists. The weather is simply dreadful, the air filled with choking ash and the heat is positively suffocating. Naturally, being the incredibly accommodating hosts that I have learned they are, the ants of the Colony have gone to great lengths to make conditions more convivial.

“They call this ‘air conditioning’,” Emilia explained to me, pointing to the strange contraption on the wall. “It will keep your room cool for you, and the temperature can be changed according to the dial on the wall there.”

“How wonderful,” I exclaimed.

Of course, such technology wasn’t unheard of in the Silver City, but I have learned not to feel superior around the remarkable engineers of the Colony. When I carefully inspected the dial on the wall, I realised I didn’t recognise the measurements.

“What units does the Colony use to measure temperature?” I asked Emilia, and the young woman smiled.

“They use different units depending on the task. When smithing and crafting, they use the same universal units as everyone else, but for comfort, they measure it in grubs.”


Emilia gestured for me to examine the dial carefully. In the centre of the dial is a 0, and I see I can shift it to the left or right.

“The default setting is the perfect temperature for rearing grubs. Turn it to the left, and the room will rise in units of grubs, turn to the right and it will grow cooler. One grub is the difference in heat that will add exactly one day to the rearing time of larvae.”


I was quite chuffed to learn of this little kernel of Colony culture, and I greedily filed it away for you, my dear readers! Of course, such enchanting work is difficult and expensive, so I decided to confirm something with my guide.

to be certain, does every guest room in the nest have

doesn’t really believe in social hierarchy. All of the guest

appointed and spacious apartment with a separate bedroom, sitting room and bathroom, but no kitchen. The Colony would never let

how many guest rooms

fifty thousand rooms in

“Of course there are.”

we were here in the third stratum I was excited to see the wonderful sights of the Colony here in this realm of demons! Emilia was only too happy to accommodate my requests, though my

millions of ants? They’re more likely to bring me a cup of tea than kill me! At this point, I think even

holds greater significance for us who live alongside them. We call this place ‘Great One’s Descent’, since this is where

interesting! Is the temple here in

her head, “it’s

turned to

that, boys? We’re going to

isn’t that unusual. If there’s one good thing about demons, it’s that they don’t discriminate. Anyone can go into a demon city,

But Emilia only laughs.

too much. You’ll find Roklu

she is so very

fully grown, expanding kilometres out from the central pillar to create a truly massive city that teems with demons and ants alike. What is truly shocking is that there are even people living here! Not many, to be sure, but still, for any

demon city I’ve seen! Wide roads, neat houses and structures. Even the many varied sizes of the demons were accommodated! Naturally, everywhere I looked, there were also ants, keeping the peace and

the city, but instead led us directly to the centre of the city where we

it well before we arrived. The Colony doesn’t seem to believe in doing things by half measures. What was a little surprising were the two gargantuan statues standing guard on either side of the gate that leads to the temple. The two

two?” I asked my

burning in both her open palms, and on the right was a heavily built young man, a massive hammer resting on his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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